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Spencer pretended to fan himself.

“What about me?” Mark lifted his arm and flexed his bicep. But Spencer gave him a playful punch to the shoulder, and they dissolved into laughter.

Charlie grabbed her mom’s arm. “Come on, Mom. You’re the only one who hasn’t gone yet.”

“I’m ready,” she said. Gherring moved over to help her gear up and set up the belay. With her girls in audience, she was even more self-conscious as Gherring’s hands brushed against her while securing the straps. She felt the blood rise to her face, and Emily raised her eyebrows.

Gherring asked, “Ready to try a harder climb?”

Anne swallowed. “Sure.”

Gherring set up Anne’s belay on a medium level climb, while Spencer set up to try the overhang climb Gherring had completed.

“Race you up,” called Spencer.

“You’re on,” said Anne.

She started her climb, adrenaline flowing. The holds were farther apart, and the wall was vertical. She struggled to pull her weight up.

“Use your legs, Mom,” called Emily.

Anne shifted her weight and concentrated on utilizing her leg strength. Soon she was climbing steadily. She spied Spencer above and to the right. Determined to at least put up a good fight, Anne started climbing faster. Spencer had reached the ledge and was struggling on the overhang. Then Anne’s foot slipped on one of the holds, and she almost fell.

Charlie was yelling directions from below. “Put your left foot on that red crimp! You’ve got it! Just a little further. Keep going.”

“I made it! Woo hoo!” yelled Anne as she touched the top. “Do you have me?”

“You can let go. I’ve got you,” said Gherring.

Anne started a quick descent.

“Did I win?”

“You won, Mom. But it wasn’t quite fair. Spencer’s climb is almost impossible.” Emily looked up where Spencer was making a third attempt on the overhang.

“But Steven did that climb twice,” whispered Anne.

“Yes, Mom. We already know Mr. Gherring is Superman in disguise.” Emily waggled her eyebrows and started laughing.

Charlie giggled, having overheard the exchange. “Yeah, Mom. Have you found his kryptonite yet?”

Emily whispered something in Charlie’s ear, and she snorted with glee.

“What?” demanded Anne.

Charlie whispered to her mom. “Em says it’s you.”

A few more climbs, and the group was ready to go. Spencer asked, “Are you guys doing lunch at Papa’s today?”

“We’re stopping by the bookstore first, but then we’re going to lunch. You want to come?” Anne gave a sweeping glance, casually including Gherring in her invitation.

Spencer and Mark agreed to meet them for lunch.

“Mr. Gherring, are you coming with us to lunch?” Emily asked.

“I’ve got to go to the office today.”

Anne remembered he would have to work alone all weekend because of her altercation with Jeff.
