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“We’re taking Mom’s Suburban to Jessica’s graduation, so there should be plenty of room.”

A noise like a stampede reverberated through the house. Smiling, Cord moved toward the stairs as Jess galloped down and launched into his arms. Lifting her off the ground, he spun in a slow circle, kissing the lips he’d missed so much.

“Three weeks was way too long.” Jess gave a blissful sigh when she finally came up for air.

“But you finished your finals, and we never have to do it again.” Cord loosened his grip, letting her slide down until her boots touched the floor.

Sharon cleared her throat. “You know, Jessica’s parents are coming down for Jessica’s graduation. It would be a perfect opportunity for someone to talk to her dad about you-know-what…”

“Nanna!” Jessica’s cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink.

Cord chuckled. He’d already flown up to Oklahoma to formally ask for her parents’ blessing. “Thanks, Sharon. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Jess, before you go out, Bucky and I have something for you.” Sharon dried her hands on a dishtowel and snagged a card from the outside pocket of her purse, passing it to Jess.

She ripped it open, her jaw dropping like she’d seen a ghost. “$500? Nanna, this is too much.”

“We can afford it now… all because of Cord.”

Much to Cord’s embarrassment, the Buchanans had thanked him almost every day for solving the mystery behind the plunge in the ranch’s profits. He’d discovered a tax assessment a few years back, categorizing most of the acreage as business property, without an agriculture exemption. The error had cost them tens of thousands. Bucky had always trusted his good friend and CPA to handle those details. But that one had passed away, and the new accountant, only performing general accounting tasks, had never questioned the tax valuation.

“Getting your ag exemption back was only half the battle,” said Cord. “I can’t take credit for all the expansion you’ve done. The ranch has never looked better.”

“We’re just glad your boss is letting you work in Sage Valley. Finn is such a nice young man. We’d love to have him come stay at the ranch.” Sharon gave an exaggerated wink. “I assume you’ll invite him to the wedding.”

“You know, Nanna,” Jess said, “Cord might decide to go back to New York City just to get away from my meddling grandmother.”

“I prefer the term helpful over meddling.” Her mischievous grin showed no remorse.

Cord grabbed Jessica’s hand, folding their fingers together. “I had to stay here once Jess said she wanted to teach at Sage Valley High School.”

“Hey!” An adorable frown line appeared between her eyes. “I told you I could handle New York, if that’s what you wanted.”

“But I didn’t think New York could handle you. And besides…” He tapped the heels of his cowboy boots. “They wouldn’t let me wear these with my silk suits.”

She grinned up at him, smoky eyes filled with humor. Discovering they both wanted to stay in Sage Valley had been such a relief. After that, nothing stood in the way of them being together. Nothing but her finishing her degree.

Tomorrow was her graduation. He’d waited patiently for that to happen, but now his patience had worn thin… very thin… practically nonexistent. He wanted to marry this woman. The sooner, the better. But he still had to pop the question. And part of him worried she might find some reason to turn him down. It was only a tiny part, but it made his insides twist into a tangled mess.

Jess had planned to enjoy a romantic stroll to the stables, but Cord was practically dragging her along by the hand.

“What’s the rush?”

He flinched and slowed his pace, a rush of red zooming into his face. “I figured you’d be in a hurry to see Shadow.”

“I did miss him a lot.”

“More than me?” He blinked his starry eyes in a classic fishing-for-compliments move.

“Hmm… He is handsome. And he listens to me and never gives away my secrets.”

“Shadow’s told me a secret or two.” Cord’s dimples winked at her.

“Like what?”

He flung the stable doors open and swept his hand to the interior with a grand gesture. “See for yourself.”

Jess took a tentative step inside, spying nothing out of the ordinary. But as she approached Shadow’s stall she noticed a saddle displayed on the stand outside his door. Within seconds, she recognized the beautiful tooled leather and hand stitching.
