Page 20 of Scandal's Virgin

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She didn’t even want to flirt and tease now, to punish any more men for her abandonment by one of them. Because now she knew it was not Piers who had thoughtlessly abandoned her, but Lord Wykeham who had torn him from her and made her baby illegitimate. He is probably to blame for Piers’s death as well, she thought, staring up at a lurid battle scene in oils that hung by the terrace doors. If Piers had not gone back just in time for that skirmish…

‘Lady Laura, allow me to offer you this glass of champagne.’ It was Lord Newlyn, a glass in each hand and expression of contrition on his handsome, boyishly smooth, face. ‘Let me make amends for my blunder just now.’

She could have snubbed him, turned on her heel, or cut at him with some clever jibe, but, Laura thought with a sigh, it was not his fault she was in such a bad mood and perhaps she should give him the benefit of the doubt.

‘Thank you.’ She took the glass and sipped. ‘Please, do not regard it. I know you are but recently in London.’

‘Indeed. Please, could we not step out onto the terrace and talk? I am sure you could give me valuable pointers about how to go on.’

So that is to be my role in life, is it? Delivering wise words to young cubs. But it was too hot and too noisy and her head ached and her feet in the new satin slippers throbbed. ‘Very well.’

It was a mistake. She realised it as soon as she set her glass down on the balustrade, as soon as Lord Newlyn moved in and trapped her in the angle of the stonework with far too adroit a manoeuvre for the green young man she had thought him. ‘And who better to show me all the tricks but someone such as yourself?’ he said as he put one hand on her waist and the other firmly on her left breast.

Laura was taken off guard for a vital second and by the time she realised what she was dealing with he had bent and was pressing hot kisses all over her face. She twisted her head away, jerked up her knee and freed one hand to give him a stinging slap around the ear. ‘You lout!’ she gasped as he crashed backwards, far too far and violently for the blow she had struck him.

‘The very words,’ a deep, hard voice agreed and she realised a man had taken the viscount by the collar and had sent him sprawling on the flagstones. ‘Pick yourself up, apologise to the lady and remove yourself from this house before I find it necessary to deal with you further.’

They were all in shadow, but Laura pressed herself back against the unyielding stonework in one direction with as much desperation as Lord Newlyn was scuttling backwards on the ground in th

e other. With his back to her, obviously intent on shielding her, was a broad-shouldered figure she would have recognised anywhere.

‘I…I’m sorry, ma’am,’ the viscount managed. He got to his feet and hurried away, his tousled blond hair catching the light from the reception room as he stumbled past the doors.

‘Are you all right?’ The tall man turned, his face still shadowed. ‘May I call your chaperon or a friend to you? It was perhaps not wise to have come out here alone with a young buck like that.’

‘Thank you, no. I need no one.’ It was impossible not to speak and impossible he would not recognise her voice, as she recognised his. ‘Lord Wykeham.’ What was he doing here, in London? In England, even?

‘Caroline?’ He went still.

‘No.’ Laura sidestepped and walked away towards the doors, stopped at the edge of the spill of light and turned to face him. ‘No, my lord. That is not my name.’ She could not make out his face beyond a pale oval against the blackness of the shrubs, let alone read his expression, but the shock and tension came off him like heat from a fire.

She lifted her chin and stood there, deliberately posed in the slender column of rose-pink silk overlaid with silver gauze. The neckline swooped low over her shoulders and bosom, the sleeves were mere puffs of ribbon and her hair was piled high in the latest style. She knew the rubies at her throat and in her ears would pulse in the light in time with her breathing because she had studied the effect in the mirror, and she knew she looked elegant, expensive and provocative, a hundred miles from the genteel respectability of the widow she had pretended to be. It was instinct to display herself and not to try to hide. Avery was here and there was no escape: she would stand and fight.

‘Then who are you?’ He took three long strides forward and confronted her. ‘Step back into the shadow, we cannot be seen like this.’

Laura shrugged, a careless twitch of one shoulder that had his gaze dropping to the swell of her breasts as the silk shifted. ‘No one will be surprised if I am seen on the terrace with a man.’

‘Who are you?’ Avery repeated. She could smell him, his familiar shaving soap, a discreet hint of cologne, the provocative warmth of a man who had been in a crowded room all evening. ‘What are you hiding from?’

‘I am not hiding from anything. Anyone.’ She tipped up her chin. ‘I am Lady Laura Campion.’

Avery went very still, the hiss of breath between his teeth the only sign of the shock she must have given him. ‘How dared you insinuate yourself into my house under false pretences?’ he said, the words low and even, at odds with the anger in the question.

‘How dared you steal my child?’ she flung back, unable to match his icy control. ‘How could you accuse Piers of being a coward and send him to his death?’

‘I sent him to do his duty. He made a choice when he took a commission and he knew the odds of being killed. If I failed him, it was by neglecting to teach him how to recognise a heartless wanton when he saw one. Just look at you now.’

‘You hypocrite.’ The stinging injustice of his words steadied her, gave her back some steadiness, even if it was only the rigidity of fury. ‘You just like control, that is it, isn’t it? You wanted to control Piers’s life, you want to control his estate, you want to control his daughter’s future.’

‘I love that child.’

‘I noticed. You love her so much that you let her think her mother left her.’

‘Instead of telling her that you gave her away?’

‘I—’ Her parents had done it for the best of motives, she tried to believe that. ‘It was the only thing to do.’

‘Of course it was,’ Avery said, his tone so reasonable that she gaped at him. He moved into the edge of the light and she saw his face, took a step back before she could control her reactions and stand her ground. ‘The only thing if you wanted to forget about Piers, if you wanted to resume your gilded life, catch an eligible husband and had no care for your child.’
