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"I would also like it if you caressed me while you kissed me. Let my body become accustomed to your touch," she whispered.

When her breathing deepened, he fol owed the seductive line of her shoulder down to her breasts, which he cupped gently in his hands.

"Oh, yes, there, too," she moaned as he rained kisses on the soft mounds.

"Wil it give you pleasure if I lick and kiss your nipples?" Hades' voice was husky with desire.

"Yes," she said, burying her hands in his dark hair.

As he teased and sucked his hand traveled down. First he caressed the length of her leg, molding his touch to her curvaceous muscles. Remembering that she desired him to pay attention to the smal things, he teased the velvety area behind her knee. Then, fol owing the unspoken cues of her body, he drew hot circles on her inner thigh. She opened to him and guided his hand to her core, showing him how to caress her sensitive bud, whispering breathless encouragement when his touch moved with her rhythm.

The wave of her orgasm came hard and fast. She gasped his name as exquisite electricity began deep within her and radiated throughout her body.

Hades held her close, his own desires temporarily forgotten in his amazement that he had been able to evoke such a passionate response from her. He wanted to shout with happiness. She knew him for who he was, and she desired him and had given herself to him. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. He was smiling at her and stroking the hair from her face. Her breathing had not even returned to normal when she began kissing him again.

"I think that the best lovemaking is mutual y satisfying." she said breathlessly, pressing him gently back against the bed. "It is a dance of give and take, where even though your partner's pleasure can become your own, it shouldn't exclude you from having your needs and desires fulfil ed as wel ."

She stroked his muscular body, kissing and tasting the saltiness of his skin until his breathing was ragged. Sweat glistened on his body and al of his muscles strained and tensed as he fought to control his desire. Quickly, she wrapped her arms around him.

"Don't hold back anymore. I want you inside of me - and I want to feel al of your passion." With a growl, he rol ed so that he was on top of her. Holding himself up on his hands, he stared into her eyes as he plunged into her body. Her wet heat surrounded him and it took al of his force of wil to hold back the explosion that raged to be released. Possessing her was better than his fantasy, better than anything he could have imagined. He held very stil for a moment, trying to regain control. Then, with a whimpering sound, she thrust up to meet him and he responded, matching her passion with his own until he was lost to everything but the sensation of her. Feeling her tighten rhythmical y around him, she drove him over the edge. As the spasms of pleasure coursed through him, Hades buried his face in her hair and said one word over and over.


A sweet, familiar scent awakened her. Hades was standing beside the bed smiling. He was naked, except for the snug loincloth wrapped low around his waist. He was holding a chil ed glass of golden liquid in one hand and a silk robe in the other.

"Good morning," she said, sleepily.

"Good morning. I thought you might be thirsty." He nodded at the crystal wineglass. "Also, Eurydice brought those things for you." He gestured over his shoulder at a table that was laden with pomegranates and a mouthwatering assortment of cheeses and breads. Lina thought he couldn't possibly have looked more adorable standing there nervously, trying to act like he was used to having a goddess in his bed.

"Thank you." She sat up and stretched. The sheet fel down around her waist, and his eyes devoured the sight of her bare breasts.

Entranced, Hades placed the glass on the table and knelt before her, taking her breasts in his hands and kissing her nipples. Although his touch was gentle, Lina couldn't help flinching. Her body was incredibly, wonderful y satiated, but also very, very sore.

The God pulled back. "I am hurting you?"

"I'm just feeling a little... sensitive. Seven times in one night is, wel , unusual." Hades actual y blushed as he draped the silk robe over her shoulders and smoothed her hair. She did look rumpled, and she had a red bite mark on the curve of her neck. Had he been too rough with her? Last night he had thought that he had pleased her, but this morning she seemed almost disgruntled. She stood up, a little gingerly, and shrugged into the robe. By al the gods! Had he hurt her?

She gave him a distracted smile, and sat gingerly before she descended hungrily on the laden table. She did not notice how the God flinched in response at her obvious physical discomfort. Hades silently damned himself for an inexperienced fool.

As Lina ate she felt her energy level return to normal, and the aches of her wel -used body dissipated. Responding to her revived good humor, Hades' nerves evaporated, and they ate breakfast like lovers, with their knees touching, feeding each other choice tidbits from their own plates. He was just explaining to her how he had fashioned the chandeliers that hung gracefully from the ceiling above them when two firm knocks sounded against the door.

"Yes! Enter," Hades cal ed.

Iapis entered the room, holding a square, flat box in his hand. He bowed first to Hades and then to Lina.

"Good day, Hades, Persephone." His eyes danced and he tried unsuccessfully to hide a delighted smile. "I have brought that which you requested, my Lord." He handed the box to Hades.

"Excel ent, thank you, Iapis."

Seeing the daimon reminded Lina that she had been neglecting Eurydice lately, and she felt a twinge of guilt.

"lapis, could you take a message to Eurydice for me?" Lina asked.

"Of course, Goddess."

"Tel her that I would love to see what she has been sketching." Iapis smiled. "She wil be pleased, Goddess."

"Good. Have her bring her work to my room later today. And please tel her that I am looking forward to seeing her creations - and her. I've missed her lately." Lina thought she saw a tel tale flush darken the daimon's cheeks before he nodded, and, stil smiling, bowed his way from the room.

"He's certainly in a good mood," Lina said, drumming her fingers against the table.

"He likes seeing me happy," Hades said, kissing her hand.

Lina felt herself grinning as foolishly as the daimon had been. Then she mental y shook herself.

"I don't think that's al there is to his jol y expression. I've been meaning to talk to you about that daimon of yours."

Hades raised an eyebrow at her.

"I think he's interested in Eurydice," Lina said.

Hades' grin reminded her of a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I think you are correct."

"Then I need to know his intentions," she said firmly.

Hades nodded, his expression instantly sobering. "I see. Of course you would be concerned. I believe I can speak for Iapis. His intentions are honorable. He truly cares for the little spirit."

"You wil see that he is careful with her? She has been through a difficult time. It's hard for a woman to love again after she has been hurt."

Hades touched her cheek gently, wondering suddenly if the goddess was speaking only about her loyal spirit.

"You may trust me. Always. I wil watch out for Eurydice as if she were the Goddess of Spring herself."

"Thank you. It's not that I don't like Iapis - I do. I just worry about Eurydice."

"You are a kind goddess who cares for those who love you," Hades said. Then he looked down at the square box sitting beside his hand. He slid it across the table to Persephone.

"This is something I made the first night you were here. I could not sleep. Al I could do was to think about you, about your smile and your eyes." He gestured for her to open the box. The little clasp unlatched easily and Lina lifted the lid. Nestled in a bed of black velvet inside the box was a chain made of delicate silver links from the middle of which hung a single amethyst stone that had been carved and polished into the shape of an exquisite narcissus blossom. Lina felt tears fil her eyes. "Oh, Hades! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever been given." Hades stood and moved behind her, taking the necklace from its case so that he could place it around her neck. It hung perfectly, just above the swel of her breasts.

"Thank you. I wil always cherish it."

The God pulled her into his arms. "The night I made it I was fil ed with emptiness and longing, but now you are here with me and the black hole within me exists no more. The mortals were wise; you are Queen of the Underworld. I cannot imagine my life without you. You have brought eternal Spring to the Underworld, and to the heart of its God. I am in love with you, Persephone." The tears that had been pooling in Lina's eyes spil ed over and she couldn't speak. He wiped her cheeks with his thumbs. "Why do you weep, beloved?"

"Things are just so complicated."

Hades' brow furrowed. "Because you are Goddess of Spring?"

"That's part of it."

"Tel me truly, Persephone. Do you weep because you cannot imagine remaining in the Underworld?"

The God tried to keep his voice neutral, but Lina could see the pain reflected in his eyes.

"I want to be with you," she said, trying not to sound too evasive.

"Then I cannot conceive of any difficulty that we cannot overcome together." He hugged her fiercely.

Resting within the strength of his arms, Lina squeezed her eyes closed, wil ing her tears to stop. Crying wouldn't help.

She did love him, but that was only a smal piece of the truth he needed to know. She wanted to tel him everything. She had to.

But she had given her word, and first she must talk to Demeter.
