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“Definitely verbally in my case. My experience there could be held on the head on of a…” She snorted. “Never mind. I’m just going to shut up and get drunk.”

I sighed heavily. “Jealous. And I barely even drink.”

“What did the fox say? Ha ha. Oh man, I’m killing myself tonight.”

“He told me he missed me. That was it. But not just me. He said he missed both of us.” I swallowed hard, vowing not to get misty. Not like I’d done when I’d opened that stupid fox and nearly blubbered like a baby. “He’s so going to win me over with origami turkeys, Kels. And we haven’t even had any of the big talks we need to. I’m afraid to.”

“Did you just call me Kels?”

I took that extra moment before answering to dash my fingers under my eyes, hoping she wouldn’t notice. Weeping in front of new acquaintances was never looked upon favorably. “Yes, I nicknamed you. Hope that’s okay.”

“It’s more than okay. I love it. Your name is harder to—oh no. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” I reached for my water goblet and took one sip before swallowing a sob, then giving up the ghost entirely and bracing my streaming eyes on my folded arms. “I’m not…ready for this. I just wanted…sex. Why can’t I ever get…what I want…when I want it?” I was mumbling into my arm in between sobs and I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell she could understand me.

I also knew we probably wouldn’t be going out for dinner again anytime soon. Good thing I’d already planned on being a shut-in for the rest of my pregnancy, so I’d have enough time to consider my bad life choices and so I wouldn’t see Oliver in public ever again, ever.

Did I say ever?

Because that was literally the only way I could stop from throwing myself bodily at him. I already loved him. And even the possibility that maybe, just maybe, he loved me too and/or could learn to love me and the baby gave me so much hope.

I wanted to try. I had to try.

Awkwardly, Kelsey patted my head. “The baby has you all mixed up.”

“No, that’s just the thing. The baby is clarifying everything for me. Sometimes people give up too easy, you know? Maybe if I wasn’t pregnant, I wouldn’t be as willing to try, but that doesn’t mean walking away is the answer.” I sniffled. “So what that we’ll have to work on this? If we want to—if we both want to—that’s all that matters.”

“You’re so right. If I had someone to work on stuff with, I’d be very inspired right now. Alas, my jackass ex broke up with me via text.” Kelsey threw back her drink. “I briefly contemplated lesbianism. It’s still an option on the table, depending on what the dating pool looks like here in Crescent Cove.”

I giggled through my tears. “Don’t get your hopes up. I fished in this pool forever and found—”

“Sage? Sage Evans? Is that you?” A big dark-haired guy in jeans and a hooded parka stopped beside our table, smiling widely. “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. How long’s it been? Close to ten years?”

My lungs locked, trapping my breath in my throat. No way. It wasn’t possible. Back when I’d been looking for him, he wasn’t anywhere to be found. Now that my lady taco—and the rest of me—had full occupancy, here he was, looking much like he had in high school. He was a little taller, a little broader, with a short, dark beard. But there was no mistaking that twinkle in his always-laughing green eyes.

“Moose,” I said weakly. “Yes, eight or ten. A long time. How are you? You look well.”

“I am. So do you. Same pretty Sage.” He held open his arms. “Got a hug for Moose after all this time?”

“Um, sure.” A hug, yes. Dating? No. Sex? Definitely not. But he was just being polite, so I would be too.

I stood, and he grabbed me up in his big bear arms, lifting me straight off the ground with a squeal. His rumbling laughter was enough to get the whole bar’s attention, and I was pretty sure it had. Heat rushed to my cheeks and I immediately pushed at his arms for him to let me down, which he did at once. But we had already gotten everyone’s attention, including—

Oh my God, no. It wasn’t possible. Oliver didn’t come to places like this. It was as rare as a man grinning at me as if I was the juicy cherry on top of his hot fudge…penis.

Dammit, Moose. Of all the shitty timing.

“Sorry about that, Sage. Didn’t mean to give you a scare. Couldn’t help giving you a squeeze.”

“That’s okay,” I said, my gaze connecting with Oliver’s beyond Moose’s massive biceps. He wasn’t growling or anything else, just looking at me with an ultra-focused expression that belied the way the guys were crowding into his sides as if he’d had too much to drink.

Again, was this really my Oliver? Hanging out at bars and drinking too much?

Along with running into Moose, this was serious Twilight Zone stuff.

“Um, this is my friend, Kels,” I said into the silence. “Kelsey. What’s your last name again, Kels?”

“Ford.” She rose and held out a hand, evidently realizing I was in distress. “Your name is Moose? I can see why. You’re a very big boy.”
