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“I bought back the bed-and-breakfast,” I blurted while my brain raced with ideas.

I needed a big gesture. Well, a companion one to go with the bed-and-breakfast purchase, since that was pretty big in itself. Something that proved to her without a doubt I loved her and would do whatever it took to make a real go of this.

My father frowned. “Sage’s parents’ bed-and-breakfast?”


“But it was sold for condominiums. How did you—”

“I made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.” I raked a hand through my hair and gripped the back of my neck. “If she wants to run it, I’m going to help her. Not that I have any idea how. But it’s her dream, and I want to help her realize it.”

“And that’s why you’re going part time here for a while.”

“Yes. Assuming she still wants to run it. If not, I’m going to own a bed-and-breakfast I don’t have the foggiest clue what to do with.”

“You’re starting a whole new family business.” He smiled and rose, coming around the desk to cup my cheeks in a way he hadn’t since I was probably ten. Possibly even younger. “I’m proud of you, Oliver. You’re much more of a man than you learned to be from me. Both of my boys are.”

“Uh, thanks.”

He laughed and stepped back, leaning against his desk. “She’ll make a fine wife and mother. And a businesswoman to boot.”

“You always loved her.”

“She’s sweet. Always a little uncertain, but she holds her own.” His eyes narrowed. “As do you. So, go out there and take care of business, son.”

I nodded and got to my feet. “Thanks, Dad.”

He blinked and for a second, I would’ve sworn his eyes were damp. “It’s been a long time since you called me that. I’m most often ‘Father’ or something unfit to print.”

I dipped my hands in my pockets. “Let’s just say I’m learning some things are a lot harder to navigate in life than I realized when I was a kid. Or twenty-eight.”

He didn’t laugh this time. “I’ve made my share of mistakes.”

“Who hasn’t? But you’re still here, and you’re trying. That’s all anyone can ask for. At least I hope so, because I’m guaranteed to mess up with my own child more times than I can count.”

He pulled me in for a hard hug then smiled and moved back behind his desk. “Little piece of advice?”


“Go ask your brother how to reel her in. It’ll make his year.”

I had to chuckle. “Reel her in, hmm?”

“You’ll see. Marriage is

about using all kinds of different hooks and lures at different times. Not that I got my first one right, but luckily, sometimes a man gets second chances.”

My brows lifted. “Is that right?”

“Go on now.” He waved his hand at me and moved his mouse to wake up his computer. “Let me know when to look for the invitation to the wedding.”

I was already halfway to the door. “You’ll need a plane ticket.”

“You’re really doing the Vegas thing?”

“Yeah. Elvis chapel to be exact.” I grinned and pulled the door shut behind me, blocking out his astonished face as I stepped into the hallway.

Even Oliver Hamilton could learn some new tricks. And I was about to prove it, assuming my brother’s planning skills were on point.
