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It was the last thing I managed to say before the SUV skidded sideways and Ally’s scream filled my head.



“Why are they taking so long? I thought you told them to hurry up.” I finished my letter E and went on to the U.

Yes, just U. I was reverting to text speak for my romantic message. But the snow was not cooperating. If anything, it was coming down even harder and the remaining daylight could be measured in minutes.

Still no Ally and Sage.

I didn’t want to be that guy who just worried for no reason. It was shitty weather out, and yes, I’d lost traction on the road a couple of hours ago and it had grown much worse since then. Even so, Ally had a big, safe SUV and she was an extremely careful driver.

Then I glanced toward Seth and realized he wasn’t where he’d been standing a minute ago. I turned around, reorienting myself in the nearly horizontal slashing snowflakes, and swiped a hand over my face. Seth was already on the way back to the house, the bright blue of Alexander’s carrier flashing in the twilight. Laurie was on his other side, stomping through the snowdrifts.

Okay. Guess they were done. Or Seth was going to call Ally again? Hell if I knew.

I hurried up and finished the U—a bit sloppily, but whatever—and double-timed it toward the house. I crossed the back porch and stepped into the kitchen. All the lights were on now, and though I hadn’t heard a truck pull into the drive, my palms tingled at the possibility Sage was there. Finally. Message aside, I didn’t want her and the baby and Ally on the roads in this weather. Hell, if they hadn’t finished all their shopping, I would drive them to the mall tomorrow.

Seth stepped into the kitchen with Laurie shadowing him, her little hand wrapped securely in his. “She’s not answering her phone.”

At once, my skin slicked with ice. I’d thought I was cold outside? That couldn’t compare with the absolute gut-churning cold that invaded me now. “Try her again.”

“I tried her multiple times. I tried Sage. Neither answered—”

I was already on my way out the door I’d just walked in.

“Where are you going?” Seth demanded.

“To find them.” I didn’t have time to discuss it, and I also had no intention of slowing down.

He followed me onto the porch. “Who’s going to stay with the kids?”

“You. Because I’m going.” I was already halfway down the steps.

“She’s my wife, goddammit! Sage is just your—”

I spun around and held up a hand. “She’s my everything. And she’s having my baby. If you think I’m going to stay here, you’re wrong.”

“I can w-watch my brother.” Laurie’s tiny voice made me focus on her. She hadn’t even said it as “bwother” this time.

My gut twisted anew at the puddles of tears in her big blue eyes. She never heard her father and I yell at each other, and she had to understand Ally and Sage could be in trouble.

And here we were, making everything worse.

Seth and I both dropped down to her level. “Aw, sweetie, you don’t have to do that.” Seth shot me a look. “We’ll just bring—”

“No.” I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened them again. Hopefully, everything would be fine, and the delay was just a minor one. Nothing serious. But if, God forbid, something had happened, the last thing in the world I wanted was for my niece to be with Seth. “I’ll stay here with you, Laur-Monster. How’s that? Daddy will go find your mom and Aunt Sage and bring them back to us.”

“Okay.” Laurie transferred her hold from her father’s hand to mine. “We can watch Trolls?”

How could I say no? “Sure thing.” I stood and swung her onto my hip, settling her there as Seth and I exchanged another look.

He mouthed “thank you” and we all went inside. Quickly, he checked on the baby, then he took off in his car.

All there was left for me to do was start Trolls for the ten-millionth time and wait.

Except I didn’t. I couldn’t.
