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“Or something.”

“Seth Hamilton, did you lie to us to get us to come home?”

“Um, maybe?”

I laughed and buried my face in my hands. “Does Oliver know you used the excuse of diarrhea? Because I almost had Ally drive me back to the loft instead. I’ll pass on those kinds of germs right now, thanks.”

“He told me to get you guys back there fast. Then when you didn’t show, we were both losing our minds because of the snow. If it was my fault you rushed, Ally Cat, I won’t be able to forgive myself.”

“Shh. I wasn’t rushing. I wouldn’t in this weather.” She rubbed his arm. “Diarrhea isn’t fatal. Besides, I know you have a tendency to exaggerate.”

“Moi?” He cupped her hand on his arm and flexed his other hand around the wheel. “Sage, it would be good if you didn’t mention that to Oliver.”

“Oh, you mean that you told your wife you were desperately sick right before she got in her vehicle during a snowstorm?”

“The word desperately was not used.”

“Don’t make him feel guiltier than he already does, Sage. Bad enough the SUV had to get towed to Dare’s shop.”

“What she said.”

“I’m not. I’m just wondering what’s in it for me if I don’t tell Oliver.”

“Wow,” Seth said, extending the word as he flicked a glance at Ally. “She’s more like that jerk than I thought.”

I pretended to examine my nonexistent manicure. There was no point in having one since I worked at the diner and usually chipped polish in an hour flat. “The jerk who is right now babysitting your children while you came to rescue us?”

“Hmm, she plays hardball. Okay, what do you want?”

“Babysitting on demand as needed for a year.”

“A year? A whole entire year? You can just share our nanny. I’m sure she can tolerate Oliver. Besides, with you two running the bed-and-breakfast, you’ll need—”

“What?” I whipped off my seat belt and practically hurtled between the front seats. “Say that again?”

He slowed down in front of his house, blazing with a million lights, and lightly thunked his head on the wheel. “You know what? I’ll just pay for the wedding. How’s that?”

“Deal.” I was already opening the door and climbing out, ignoring Seth’s shouts that he hadn’t parked yet. “I need my lingerie,” I called, racing around—as carefully as I could—to the back to grab my shopping bags.

“You know, it sounds as if his night is going to be a lot better than mine,” he called out as Ally thumped him on the shoulder. “Maybe he should pay me, since this is all his fault. I was just thinking outside the box to help him.”

“Too late, welcher. We have a deal.” I slammed the back of the SUV shut and turned to charge up the icy driveway, soon realizing I’d have to slow my roll.

/> Not only was it slippery out, I ached all over thanks to the jolt from the crash. I didn’t think I had anything more than a few bruises, but I was a little sore. Perhaps I should’ve waited until Seth parked. The extra seconds I’d gained wouldn’t help if I ended up on my ass. But I was on a mission.

With you two running the bed-and-breakfast.

No, not now. I couldn’t think of that yet. I had to see what Oliver had done.

Rather than head right into the house, I circled around the side and unlocked the gate to the backyard. The snow was still coming down at an angle, and no matter how many times I blinked, I couldn’t clear my vision. A couple of the spotlights were on, and as I tromped through the snow, I searched for whatever possible message Oliver could have left me. It was like a freaking winter wonderland. I could barely see the fence around the perimeter of the yard. Whatever he’d left for me, I needed to find it now before the snow messed it up even more.

We were about to move into a new phase. This would be our origami swan song, so to speak, before everything changed. As much as I couldn’t wait for the future, I wanted to soak up every second of this moment.

And maybe I was a little afraid too. I was putting my heart in Oliver’s hands and what if things changed? What if he’d been running on high emotion tonight, but he hadn’t had enough time to really think this through? It was all fun and games while the chase was on, yet what happened after reality set in? Dirty diapers, and middle-of-the-night feedings, and arguments where we couldn’t just run out the door and shut each other out. We had so much further to go and so much more to learn if we were going to make it. I had faith—and it was growing every minute—but that didn’t mean I wasn’t scared.

Having more on the line only meant having more to lose.

I held my hand to my brow to try to cut down on some of the onslaught and glanced around frantically. All I saw was snow and more snow. What the hell had he done?
