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“You forgot highly skilled lover.”

“Yeah, I kinda did. It’s been a while.” I laughed as he swatted my ass. “Though I definitely didn’t forget that,” I murmured as his gaze turned hot. “Speaking of such things, that bag we forgot over there? Has all manner of teddies and things to torment you with, and best of all, they’re built for expanding middles. So, you know, second trimester will be a blast.”

“What’s so special about second trimester?”

“Well, newbie here, but I’ve heard that’s when women want it a lot. Like multiple-times-a-day a lot, for some. At least that’s what Ally—eek!” He hurried over to pluck the bag out of the snow with such speed, I was sure he would drop me. But nope, He-Man, reporting for duty. “Hello, it’s not going to come any faster if we rush,” I said, laughing.

“No, but we need to practice so we’re ready.” He tilted the bag precariously and something pink flashed through the air, landing in the snow just as Laurie called out from behind us.

“Auntie Sage!”

Oh, crap.

“Um, vibrator,” I whispered in his ear. “Retrieve that. Fast.”

He set me down and we both went for it at the same time. Oliver snatched it up just as Laurie bounded toward us and wrapped her tiny arms around my thighs.

“Hiya, munchkin.” I crouched down to her level, trusting Oliver would protect my first and only sex toy from certain ruin. “You want to make snow angels with—”

“Not even going to happen. You are going to see the doctor, pronto.” Oliver tugged me up again and securely gripped my arm, the vibrator tucked into his palm not so gently pushing into my skin.

It was like offering a child a lollipop if they were good for their shot. Except in this case, I would ride my lollipop, not suck on it.

Although, hmm, they did that in porn too. Eh, next time. A chick could only leap so far ahead in her sexual exploits in one night. Especially since it wasn’t a dildo, so even riding it would be a feat.

Whatever. I was sure I’d enjoy it regardless.

I tugged on the pom-pom on top of Laurie’s hat. “We’ll make snow angels tomorrow morning, sweetheart, how’s that?”

“Try afternoon,” Oliver said against my ear, “maybe evening.”

“Or maybe tomorrow night,” I added brightly.

Ally and Seth stood a few feet away, and Alex was securely bundled into a sling against Ally’s chest.

“So, are congratulations in order?” Seth asked, glancing between us.

Oliver arched a brow at me. “Are they?”

“Well, technically, I said yes on the phone to going out with you, but—” I giggled as he grabbed me around the waist and pinched my hip awfully close to my backside.

Whoa, happy engagement day to me.

“Yes. I said yes.” I grabbed hold of Oliver’s jacket and dragged him in for a quick, hard kiss. “Yes to everything.”

“Yay!” Laurie hugged me around the thighs again and pressed her head against my belly. “Baby in here?”

My gaze connected with Oliver’s as I swallowed the lump in my throat and rubbed a hand over her back. I didn’t know how she knew, but somehow it made this moment even more special. “Yes. Little tiny baby, even smaller than your baby brother.”

“Jell-O shot,” Oliver reminded me, doing his eyebrow porn thing to rev me up.

Or maybe that was just a lucky side benefit.

Ally swept in to give me a big hug—well, as big as she could with Alex between us. “We’re going to be sisters for real now,” she murmured once she drew back.

I immediately pulled her back in, squeezing her hard. “Like we weren’t before?”

Her eyes were glimmering wet to match mine as she finally retreated. “Good point.”
