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She giggled. “Aw, Mr. Big Alpha doesn’t want me paddling his tushy.”

“Sage, you’re on thin ice.”

She rocked against me, reminding me exactly where my length was still happily lodged. “Doesn’t feel thin. Feels nice and thick. And look at that, getting harder by the minute.”

“Sage,” I growled.

She kept right on bouncing on me, her face already flushing again. “Your stamina is a thing to behold. It so makes up for your stern, sometimes obnoxious nature. Just think, I could have been fucking you all these years instead of rolling my eyes at your lack of a sense of humor.”

Laughing was all I could do, considering the circumstances. I had no sense of humor? Look at my life.

I was about to get married by a dude pretending to be Elvis. Assuming Sage didn’t de-ball me once she learned of my surprise.

Dammit, one of these times I’d get this romantic gesture thing right. If this wasn’t it, I was retiring from the game.

And Christ on a crutch, she was still riding my cock. And my cock liked it.

A whole fucking lot.

“You don’t need a sex chair. Me? I may need traction soon.”

She laughed as the phone buzzed again. It was as if as soon as Seth hung up, he started again. “That’s Seth? What’s going on? More violent diarrhea?” Then she frowned. “Aww, that was like deflating a balloon.”

“Diarrhea? Seriously? What are you talking about?”

“Um, nothing?” She sighed as I stared at her unmercifully. “So, remember how I said he was going to pay for our wedding?”

“Yes.” Which he wasn’t. He’d sprung for flights and a hotel room for his immediate family, and that was about it. I’d footed the bill for everyone else to travel cross-country.

“He sort of told me and Ally to hurry back to the house the day of the accident because he had violent diarrhea.”

“He did what? In the middle of a storm?”

“Yeah. He had massive guilt. In his defense, you didn’t tell him what to say.”

“No, that’s true. I should have to give my grown brother a script that doesn’t involve bodily functions.”

She leaned forward and brushed her mouth over mine. “I lo u,” she whispered, the light in her eyes defeating me as it always did.

In the end, I laid there and let her use me again for her own pleasure. As a soon-to-be husband, I felt it was my duty.

Side benefit? It made Seth lose his ever-loving mind as he kept calling again and again.

Also, I got another orgasm out of the deal. Now I could face fake Elvis. Once I could walk again, at least.

And once I could get Sage to finish her leisurely bath.

“We’ll be there soon,” I said quietly into the phone once I had a semblance of my faculties back. “Sage is getting ready.”

“You’re late. Elvis is getting pissed. I saw him rip off his wig a little while ago. Guy is stone bald under it.”

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“He isn’t really Elvis, you know.” With Seth, one could never be sure. He’d believed in Santa until he was a teenager.

“I know that. As does my daughter.”

“Your daughter is far wiser than you.”
