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Then again, he did have a kinder side even away from Vegas. Like how he’d stood up for Ally at the diner with Greta. And even how he’d taken time away from his busy schedule to come to Vegas with me. Sure, I’d focused on the fact that he might be trying to slow my roll, but the truth was, he didn’t have to bother. That he’d taken a weekend out of his life to come here with me—business or no business—said a lot.

It said he had to care, if only because I was Ally’s bestie. So maybe he didn’t find it easy to access the more approachable side of himself. I would have to be more tolerant and give him a chance without preconceived notions.

Before my parents had sold the bed-and-breakfast out from under me, I’d never been so quick to judge. So eager to dismiss and berate. I’d once been hopeful enough to believe everyone was a decent person, even if sometimes the decent was slow in coming.

Today was the first chance in a while that I could try reclaiming my former self. I’d just aim for being a bolder version now, the type of woman who asked for what she wanted and believed she could get it.

That she deserved it.

This conversation was part of phase one. I just had to woman up and go for it.

“Okay, so I’ve jerked off a guy,” I said hesitantly. “I have done that.”

Strangely, he didn’t look pleased.

“But as far as giving a blowjob,” I paused as he made a sound I couldn’t identify, “no. I’ve never done that. Also, I’ve never, ahh, jerked a guy to completion either. And I’ve never watched one self-stimulate.”

“If a compound phrase was capable of killing a hard-on, that might be it. Or maybe if you started talking about musk again.”

I took a long, heady sniff near his neck. “It’s like an evergreen musk. So sexy. Mixed with that cedar thing you have going on, it’s like my closet back home. Oh, and my Hope chest.”

“You actually have one? Why am I not surprised?”

I ignored him. “My nana used to line it with these cedar sheets that smelled just like this.” I turned my head and licked his earlobe.

Oh my God, I just licked Oliver. I was taking this “go for what you want” credo seriously.

“Did you just lick me?” He sounded strangled.


“If this was a pool, I’d dunk you for being a liar, and a horrible one at that. Since it isn’t one, I have no other recourse.”

Carefully, he wrapped his hands around my waist, lifted me up as if I were made of air, and set me down a safe distance away. Not very far, since the hot tub was only so big. And our legs were tangled, and oh Lord, I was breathing so hard that I gripped the side of the tub to try to get ahold of myself.

“You actually smell very good—” I began.

He held up a hand. “Let’s just table that discussion for now, shall we?”

“Okay.” At least he wasn’t suggesting we never speak again. “What should we talk about then?”

“If your request was serious, I’ll oblige you. Far be it from me to further delay a woman’s carnal education.”

The way he talked was such a turn-on. Truth be told, I got even hotter when he talked like that while acting like a dick. I just liked the softer side of him too. The one who said nice things and held me and didn’t make fun of me for having the same amount of experience as a high school senior.

Heck, freshman.

“It’s probably not fair.” I swept my loosened hair out of my face and fought the urge to fix my straggly ponytail. I was afraid to do anything that might make him change his mind. “I get to watch, and you get nothing.”

He chuckled darkly. “Oh, I’ll get something. I’ll get to come, though it’ll be far inadequate to other ways I’d much prefer to find release.” His near-black eyes glittered and made me quiver deep inside. “I’ll also get to watch you watching me.”

“And that’s arousing?”

“Very much.” His throat moved as he swallowed. “If we were more well-acquainted, I might ask you to remove your top to give me visual inspiration. Or better yet, I’d ask you to do the same as me. Except you’d be sitting on the edge.” He jerked his chin at the side of the hot tub. “So, I could see every movement of your fingers.”

I was blushing, I just knew it. My face felt like a freaking torch. But I was so excited I couldn’t think straight.

Was this really happening to me? This infuriating, sexy-as-hell man truly wanted me? He was even willing to go through my probably bizarre steps rather than, oh, just, you know…making out and having sex like normal people did every day. Especially people on vacation.
