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Like not even a little bit.

I wanted to fuck this man, and not because I was drunk. There was this weird sense of connection between us, drunk or sober, and being buzzed only took away my nerves of what our lives would look like post-sex. Right now, I didn’t care what came after. I wanted to ride this feeling.

Hard. All night long.

His lips were still moving, and I was staring at them like an addict would eye a loaded needle. I needed more. He had a vast wealth of experience, and he would share it with me. I could become a sex expert in the course of one weekend.

Okay, so maybe that part was the alcohol talking.

“Sage? Are you still with me? What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m horny,” I blurted, and I swear to God, he blushed.

It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Forget cooing babies. This confident, self-possessed man blushing over me saying I had sexual needs had to be the most adorable thing in the world.

Until he cupped my cheek and turned my head enough to murmur in my ear, “About ten men around us heard that, and you’re not to take any of their numbers when they fling them at you.”

I craned my neck to look around his broad shoulders, and nearly toppled over, so I grabbed his arm for balance as I peered at the men in my midst. A couple were staring. Hmm. I needed to work on my indoor voice.

“It wasn’t intended for them.”

Rather than responding with one of those heated looks I’d grown quite fond of earlier, he slipped his arm around my shoulders and nudged me forward. “So, what are we starting with?”

“Sexually? Well, hmm, I’ve always been curious about trying sixty-nine, though I prefer side to side because really, whose ass looks good hanging over a dude’s face? I’m surprised first dates ever turn into—mmph!” I mumbled as Oliver covered my mouth with his hand.

He was definitely giving me a heated look now. Just not the sexual kind.

“We can discuss this—all of this,” he said firmly, “later. Right now, pick what game you would like to play before we’re tossed out for lewd behavior.” After a moment, he finally lowered his hand.

“I’m not being lewd.” Fussily, I straightened my dress. “And you asked.”

“I did not ask about your opinions on mutual oral satisfaction. Your mind just lives in the gutter.”

“Of course it does, because my body lives in a convent.”

He said nothing, just towed me along to what he considered an acceptable slot machine. In the meantime, I downed the second half of my drink.

By the last swallow, I didn’t care that he was a stuffy prick. He was still hot. I wanted to pinch his ass.

I was bending over sideways, picking my precise target, when he whirled around and caught my shoulders. “Whatever you’re doing, I would not advise it.” He exhaled and looked up at the ceiling. “If only I had known what I was in for when Ally asked me to babysit you.”

The words barely dented my brain. They landed and just as quickly slotted into some secret corner where they would pop up at the most inconvenient time.

“Let’s play Baccawhatever,” I said with a hiccup.

He wasn’t looking at me, but at the passing pretty server with a tray of drinks. He smiled at her, and I swear to God, if I’d had a fork in my hand, the cute brunette would’ve had it between the eyes.

So, drinking made me violently jealous. Live and learn.


Then I realized he was taking an iced water off the tray and passing it into my hand, exchanging it for my empty cup. I downed it without shame. I was so insanely thirsty.

“You have to stay hydrated. For every drink, you need to drink the same amount of water or you’re going to spend half your Vegas vacation in bed. With. A. Hangover,” he added as if he knew exactly where my thoughts had detoured.

“Do you think she’s hot?”

“Who?” He blinked at me owlishly, clearly confused, and I wanted to kiss him again.
