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Maybe it was a small hole. A pinprick. Perhaps only a few swimmers had sneaked through.

Fuck me.

It wouldn’t have been as obvious if I hadn’t been paying so much more attention than usual to all the nuances of her reactions. Not that I hadn’t lost the thread of those when my overeager cock had decided to run the show.

Christ, it was her first time. She couldn’t get pregnant. I mean, what were the chances?

Ask your brother that. The kid’s name is Laurie.

“Oh, wow. My God. Wow. That was…” She trailed off and shifted to grin at me over her shoulder. “Sex is so awesome.”

I returned her grin weakly. So weakly she probably thought I’d sprained a hamstring.

How could I ruin her afterglow with a conversation like this?

Glad you enjoyed it. How do you feel about unplanned pregnancy?

“It certainly is.” I rolled away from her to attend to the condom. I cupped my hand over the weapon of my destruction, walked into the bathroom, calmly flipped on the light, stared downward, and only narrowly resisted shouting a curse.

The latex was ripped like a child’s piñata after it had been attacked by a bat—or it appeared damn close to my crazed brain. I had no illusions that my dick was an object of sports memorabilia, but holy shit, I had a lawsuit on my hands.

All over my hands.

“You okay in there?” Sage called.

“Fine.” I cleaned up and braced my palms on the edge of the sink.

Now what? I didn’t have the foggiest.

Me, the guy who never faltered.


I had no freaking clue what to say or do next. The last thing I wanted to do was mar this experience for Sage, and discussing broken condoms was basically a recipe for such.

Her footsteps were padding toward me, making that decision imminent.

She appeared outside the doorway, still gloriously naked, her lush body covered with a few marks from my lips and hands and growing-in beard. They only added to her allure.

I wanted to tell her how much I appreciated that she’d shared herself with me. How much this morning had meant to me.

Instead, I shut the door in her face.



I stared at the closed door and rubbed my miraculously only slightly throbbing head. My hangover was almost nonexistent.

My sexover though? Huge.

Oliver did not come out.

To even my surprise, I didn’t panic or begin to accuse myself of being a bad lay. Screw that. I had been a damn awesome lay. Especially since it was all brand new.

He’d nearly broken me in half when he came. If that was crappy sex, well, sign me up for some of that every day for the rest of my life.

Nope, something else was at play here, and I had a good guess what it was.
