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“Hungry?” Oliver asked mildly as I picked up three slices of bacon. They singed my fingers and dripped grease on Oliver’s pristine shirt, but whatever. That was what the dry cleaner was for and this was probably all his fault.

Okay, it wasn’t, but I was hungry and embarrassed and…bacon.

“Oh my God, this is good,” I said between mouthfuls.

My mom exchanged a glance with my father. “It is good, honey, but you seem especially ravenous.”

“I am.” My tone was one hundred percent cheerful.

They didn’t know about the baby. They couldn’t know, because I hadn’t told them yet and Oliver would not go there. He wouldn’t.

Would he?

“Juice.” He turned to pour a glass from the pitcher on the table and handed it to me, which I drank as fast as I’d consumed my bacon.

Stress drinking was a thing now too, apparently. At least I’d never developed much of a taste for alcohol. Orange juice was much less dangerous, especially in my condition.

“Have a seat, sweet pea.” My mom pulled out a chair, but I was too busy grabbing a plate and stacking it with bacon and eggs.

I leaned closer to Oliver. “I thought you had no food but aphrodisiacs.” Yeah, I could’ve lowered my voice for that comment, but where would be the fun in that?

It would also require my brain engaging, and that had not yet occurred this morning.

Oliver cleared his throat. “I had Seth’s nanny pick up a few things on her way over last evening. She’s highly efficient.”

“Oh. Okay, good. You’re a really good cook. These bacon and eggs are incredible.” I gave him a thumbs-up and turned back to the table with all the exuberance of a woman about to be led off in shackles.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy to see my parents. On the contrary, I’d missed them desperately. But this situation was beyond awkward. Normally, someone got to break the news they were dating someone to their parents when they had pants on. And here I was, so hungry I’d just filled my plate and was about to sit down without remembering I was inconveniently pantsless.

I set down my plate and gave the bacon one last longing glance before I stole one for the road. Oh man, so good. “Be right back,” I said. “Talk amongst yourselves.”

After hurrying back upstairs, I went into the bathroom and screeched at my sex hair. Like seriously, if there was

a picture beside the phrase in the dictionary, this would be it. And I had scruff burn all over my chin and half my neck. Yeah, because that wasn’t obvious.

Here I’d thought my bare ass—and personal area—was the worst of it. Nope. I might as well have taken out a billboard that said I just got fucked, yo!

Rather than dwell, I took care of business and dressed in my clothes from the day before. Luckily, I’d worn a turtleneck sweater that hid some of the scruff burn. The chain for my new necklace was long enough for me to be able to show it off. I tamed my hair, pinched my cheeks, and walked into the kitchen with a smile, prepared to make quick work of my breakfast. I’d earned it.

I strolled in just in time to hear the words “wedding” and “don’t have long to choose a venue.”

“Who’s getting married?” I snatched another piece of bacon, biting it just as my mother answered.

“Why, you are. Aren’t you?”

That was when I started to choke.

Handily, there was a sip or two left in my glass of juice. When I drained them, Oliver was considerately there to pour some more.

“Says who?” I sputtered, throwing a glance at him before he returned to the stove. He seemed to be avoiding actually sitting down, and now I knew why.

Good God, what had he said to them while I was blissfully asleep?

My dad folded and refolded the newspaper he’d had his face hidden behind for most of the time since I’d originally come into the kitchen. “We wondered why you wouldn’t contact us to tell us you were planning on getting married, but Oliver reminded me we’d been out of touch a lot since leaving town.”

“Oh, did he now?” I shot mental daggers at his back, my mind whirling. What the hell was he thinking? Why would he lie to them that we were getting married? Unless…unless…

“Did he tell you about the baby? Is that what this is all about?”
