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“What?” I pulled back.

He gripped the folds of my dress at my hips. “I couldn’t bear it if you left. I wanted to marry you fast so you’d be mine.”

The tears came faster than I could blink them away. “Why would you…” I closed my eyes. God, I was so stupid. The conversation in the car came back to me. Both of them. “I’m never going anywhere,” I whispered.

“Guys? I mean this is all very interesting. And actually, wow, Kelsey. You hooked up with him really fast.”

I dashed away my tears, but I couldn’t help but smile. “I did. Crazy how it happened.”

Tommy jammed his hands into his pockets. Well, as much as he could into his skinny jeans. More like just his fingertips. It was a rare man who could pull off the skinny jeans look, and Tommy just looked like he was trying too hard to be young and carefree. “Now, what’s this about a baby?”

I blew out a breath. “I’m pregnant.”

Tommy paled. “And you think it’s mine?”

“I honestly don’t know. We had that night after Granny Flo’s funeral.”

“Oh.” He scratched his head. “Yeah, wow. I mean, we used a condom and stuff. I thought you were on the pill?”

I shook my head. “I hadn’t gotten my full time job yet, so I didn’t have insurance. And we’d broken up way before that.”

“Shit. I mean…you know. Just I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say shit.” Dare’s voice was more rumbly than usual.

Actually, it was about as close to a growl as I’d ever heard. I patted his chest. “What Dare means is we don’t expect anything from you. I just didn’t want to keep it from you.”

“Yeah. I get that. And thanks, I guess. I mean, if it’s mine I’ll step up if you want. I didn’t really ever want kids, but if its mine, I’ll do what’s right.”

I peered up at Dare and stroked his beard with the back of my hand before stepping out of his hold. I turned to Tommy. “I appreciate it. And if the baby is yours, I’d be more than happy to let you be part of his or her life. If that’s what you want.”

“I wouldn’t want to get between you guys if you’re doing the family thing. Maybe if I thought about it more or something, but…” He shrugged. “It would be okay with me if you wanted to take care of everything. I’m not trying to get out of taking care of it or anything, but you know…”

I reached back for Dare’s hand. “I found a place that will do a blood test. It’s a paternity test. Takes awhile to get the results.” I cleared my throat. “Regardless of the test, I want Dare to help me raise the baby.”

Tommy gave me a tight smile. “It’s probably best. I’m not really dad material.”

No, he really wasn’t. Dare was the perfect guy for me and for our baby. In so many ways. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Looks like you’ve got yourself a great guy. Wow—married, huh?”

I took a step back to Dare. “Yeah.” I laced our fingers more tightly together. “Crazy, but amazing.”

Tommy nodded toward the parking lot. “I’m gonna go.” He cleared his throat. “So, just text me the info for the blood test or whatever.”

“I will.”

With an awkward little wave, he took off at a near run.

Shaking my head, I smiled faintly. Amazing how a few months could change your perspective so much. I definitely didn’t regret my breakup with Tommy now. It was probably the best thing that had ever happened to me.

No, that was falling in love with Dare and making a family with him.

I glanced at my husband. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tommy move so fast in my life.”

“Like his ass is on fire,” Dare muttered. He hauled me into his arms and his mouth came down hard on mine. “Not me. You’re fucking stuck with me, Mrs. Kramer. Can we get out of here yet?”

“I was coming out to tell you Sage had the baby.”
