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Much like the second go-round. If he’d stayed for that nap he wanted to take, I had no doubt that afterward, we would’ve been playing naked bingo with his dick for a chip.

Or a dauber. Jeez, what did they play bingo with nowadays anyway?

Not penises, that was for sure. Missed opportunity.

“That’s not a good expression,” Macy said.

I frowned. I didn’t even have cause for alarm. I mean, I didn’t have the most reliable period, but I’d definitely remember not having it for freaking months. “No, I got my period since…well, the last time I—” I huffed out a breath. “Not that you need to know all that.”

Macy crossed her arms and tucked herself into the corner of the couch. “I don’t know much about the baby thing, but there’s all sorts of mysteries during pregnancy. This fucking town is way too much of an education.”

“Yeah, but I used protection. There’s no way.”

“No way, what?”

I nearly choked at the deep voice behind me. Please God, no.

All dogs might go to heaven, but all Rylees perpetually lived in hell.

Maybe that was just me.

Macy’s eyes widened and she popped off the couch. “Yep, my cue to go.”

“Wimp,” I growled.

“Yes, ma’am. And I just remembered I need to order filters for all the machines.”

Vee laughed and hurried after her boss.

“Assholes,” I muttered, but a laugh bubbled under the word. Maybe Macy really was onto something when it came to this town.

“Filters? Did I miss something?” Gage looked down at me and immediately crouched in front of me. “God, you’re pale.” His eyes narrowed. “Shit. Did you faint again?”

I wanted to die. I still replayed that moment when Gage had lifted me into his arms far too often. Embarrassment warred with pleasure that he cared about my well-being. Then and now, judging from the worry lines dug deep into his forehead.

Even his forehead was hot. Or else I was a touch feverish to go with my fainting spells and exhaustion.

I was a bag of fun, except not even close.

“No…yes. Maybe.”

“Ah, huntress. We need to get you to a doctor. What happens if it’s something more serious than you not sleeping?”

It seemed that it might be way more serious and no pill could fix me. Well, not anymore.

Reflexively, I covered my middle with my hand. I couldn’t be pregnant. Wouldn’t I have other signs…

Oh, like hormones going crazy maybe?

Like eating everything in sight, even when I was technically unconscious?

Perhaps feeling as if a bus had hit me without tapping the brakes, sleep or no sleep?

Nope, no signs at all.

He took my hand. “Are you feeling sick?”
