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She settled in and rested her hand on my belly. “Damn right.”

Macy came back with a huge bowl of popcorn and two orange sodas.

Rylee sat up a little. “Thanks, Mom.”

“Fuck off.”

“Love you too,” she called after Macy, who flipped her the bird as she stalked toward the back of the café. “She’s such a softie.”

“Yeah, if you mean tiger claws with a left hook.”

She picked at the sinful popcorn. “More like a baseball bat.”

“And you know this how?” I stole the piece she was aiming for and she narrowed her eyes at me.


I held it in front of her mouth.

She opened her lips and nipped my fingers as she took it. Before she was done chewing, I lowered my mouth to take a taste. Caramel and cheddar cheese never tasted so good. She pushed me back against the couch. “I’m watching a movie, sir.”

I looked around. “It’s a pretty cool setup.”

“Yeah.” She fiddled with the bowl.


She shrugged and blew out a sigh.

I told my cock to take a chill pill, but the sir thing had stirred things it should not have. She obviously had something on her mind. “What’re you thinking about?”

“It’s nothing.”

I twisted to her and set the bowl behind me. “Obviously not when I can hear your brain whirling from here.”

“Ever since I sat down here with Macy to watch a movie I wondered if other people would enjoy the same thing. There’s not much to do in Crescent Cove after oh, seven o’clock.”

I laughed. “Things do seem to close up early.”

“Even the pizza place is closed before nine.”

I grinned. “Yeah, my pops isn’t exactly a late night guy.”

“Oh.” She blinked. “Right. I sort of forgot abo

ut that part.”

“That my dad owns the pizza joint?”

“Yeah. Sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

I toyed with her fingers. “Our families have kind of crashed together without a lot of time for Christmas dinners.”

“Yeah, ain’t that the truth. Both of Kelsey’s weddings were thrown together last minute.” She laced her fingers with mine. “I made an awesome impression too.”

I turned her hand so I could nip at her wrist. “Helluva story for our grandkids.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Kids?”
