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I gave Oliver a side-eyed glance and ignored the smugness coming off him. There was a huge window showcasing the lake and a view that made my chest ache and maybe added a slightly shaky stutter to my heart. “That’s a million-dollar view.”

“Not quite.”

Well, if it was under a million, at least I could feed my kid for a few years without worrying about what kind of job I was going to create for myself.

And if I had to buy JT’s Auto Body without my brother.

I didn’t want to, but I would.

I just had to do a little bit of fancy footwork to get some things to fall into line. And anything had to be easier than getting Rylee to agree with me on what color the sky was and if we were having a boy or a girl.

We were looking at the third bedroom when the rumble of a motorcycle progressively got closer.

Oliver gave me a raised brow. “Your friend.”


“Do we need to go down—”

“Holy fuck, Gage. This is a goddamn palace!”

“Guess we don’t need to go down and let her in.”

I laughed. “No. Not sure there’s a lock that can keep Tish out if you even engaged one.”

“I did not.”

“Well, that’s good.”

Her booted heels clomped down the hardwood floors as she stalked through the space. “Buy it. If you don’t, I need to find me a sugar daddy to buy it for me. Well, hello there. Possible sugar daddy?”

Oliver blinked and quickly waved his wedding ring finger. “Taken.”

“Damn. Looking for a side piece?”

“What my friend means is hello and nice to meet you.” I gave her a hard stare.

Tish flipped a flame-red lock of hair over her shoulder. She was wearing a heavy, armored motorcycle jacket over leather pants and five inch heels. Not that she needed them. She was just a few inches shorter than me, but she liked to lord herself over men in general.

She held out her hand to Oliver. He hesitated, but shook her hand. “Tish Burns.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Burns.”

She gave a great booming laugh. “Is this guy for real?” She hooked her thumb at Oliver. “You sure you don’t want to go for a ride, handsome? I bet I can get you call me Tish without all that formality crap.”

“I’m quite sure.”

“His wife would kill you, Tish.”

“Oh, yeah? Think I might need to meet a girl like that.”

Oliver cleared his throat. “I bet you’d like to see the master suite.”

She hooked her arm through his. “I sure would.”

Oliver shot a slightly panicked look over his shoulder at me. Man, I’d missed Tish. She would like Rylee, I was almost sure. Who wouldn’t like her?

Yeah, I was biased. And happy.
