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I took them from him gently. “Yes, I know.”

He gnawed on his lower lip. “Okay, yeah. I’m sure you do.” He swallowed. “Okay, so I’ll just be out here.”

I started to close the door.

“Maybe I should stay in here with you. You know, solidarity.”

I pressed my cheek to the door. “I love you, Murphy.”

He blew out a breath. “I love you too.”

“I’m gonna pee now, okay?”

“Right. Yes. Pee away. I can’t believe I’ve said pee so many times in the space of a minute. Okay. Right. I’m going.”

“I’ll just be a minute. Or three.”

Nerves were with me. At least enough to make me have to do what we’d been discussing—at length. I plucked out a bunch of tissues for the counter and set them on top then quickly pressed the stopwatch feature on my watch. I couldn’t even pretend that I had the dexterity for my timer.


“Coming.” I washed my trembling hands and opened the door. “Okay, just a few minutes.”

“How many?”

“Five minutes.”

“Okay, I can totally do that.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “We—we, can totally do that.”

I curled my fingers around his wrist and tugged one of his hands free. Suddenly my nerves weren’t quite so scary. And even if the test wasn’t postive right now, it would be all right. There were tons of babies who needed homes. Maybe even a slightly older child. And if we didn’t go that route, we’d just have a bunch of cats and dogs.

I went onto my tiptoes and cupped his cheek. “Kiss me, Murphy.”

“I’m dirty.”

I smiled against his mouth. “Why yes you are.”

He untucked his other hand and curled his arms around me. “You know what I mean.”

I did. And I would continue to enjoy the dirty side of my husband. During my extensive research I found out that pregnant women wanted sex a lot. I had every reason to believe that it would be the same with us. From the stories I heard from Sage, I’d be crazy for it.

Except there was one problem. I was already crazy for this man.

He lifted me against him and the kiss was so sweet and thorough. The definition of Murphy in every way. He lowered me to the floor and pressed his cheek to mine. “I love you so much. And even if it isn’t positive this time we’ll keep trying. I promise.”

“I know.” I sighed as I glanced at my watch. Just about time.

I took his hand in mine and we went into the bathroom together. Thankfully the room was extra large thanks to my very handy husband.

We both stood in front of the counter.

“Hot damn!” He lifted me off my feet before I could even focus on the tests. He spun me around and kissed me soundly. “Holy shit, we’re gonna be parents.”

I didn’t even have to look down at the tests. I trusted his reaction and the rightness I couldn’t deny.

“You’re going to be the best dad.” I dashed away tears when he put me down.

“And you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
