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“Operation Torture Moose.” He lifted the bottle in salute, then chugged the entire contents before he tucked it back in his jeans. “Ready to get this done?”

I took a step forward and Gideon slapped a hand on my chest. “All right. He’s just messing with you. He’s mostly harmless.”

“Mostly,” I grumbled.

We stayed out of each other’s way for the rest of the day. I detangled the tree from the weird hodge-podge treehouse pieces. A floor that didn’t know the meaning of level and a roof that actually did. Which was stupid, because you needed a pitch to the roof or you’d end up with rot.

It was a hot mess, but at least the man had been willing to try to make something for his kid. I had to give him points there. Unfortunately, a lot of people thought YouTube and a book was enough to get them into weekend warrior status. At least he’d called in for help before the kid climbed up the tree.

As we were working through the day, the kids came home. School was in full swing now that the end of September was in sight. Two boys came racing out to ask a million and one questions as we built the skeleton of a far simpler structure. The big difference was that this one was actually structurally sound.

But unfortunately, because it was September, the days were getting shorter. The mother called the kids in for dinner, but two pairs of fascinated eyeballs were forever in the back window while we worked.

Lucky clowned around with them a bit. Gideon was busting his ass to get the wood cut as fast as me and Lucky to screw and nail it into place. The sun was setting and we had the flood lights out to try to get it completed.

We worked past seven and finally managed to get it mostly done.

“I’ll stop by and do some finishing flourishes tomorrow.”

“I told her we’d get it done tonight.”

“No charge, Gideon.”

He frowned at me. “You don’t have to do that.”

I shrugged at the wide-eyed kids dancing around the bottom of the tree. “It’s for kids, man.”

“Yeah. If I didn’t have a job lined up tomorrow, I would have done the same.”

“Well, it’s my day off.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, definitely.” I waved at the older boy, Max. “How can you say no to them?”

“Why do you think Dani gets away with murder?”

I laughed. “I figured she’d be back already. Didn’t school start?”

“Yeah, she’s being tutored while her mother is on set in Spain.”

I crouched down to put a few more bolts in the floorboard. “Spain? Wow.”

“Yeah.” Gideon shook his head. “The movie schedule got extended. How could I make my kid come home from that?”

“For school?”

“Yeah, then I’m the bad guy. It’s bad enough I’m the hard-ass through the school year who actually gives her stability. Jess gets to be the cool mom who’s a famous actress and takes her to fucking Spain. I’m just a carpenter in a small town.”

No bitterness there. I winced. “Sorry, man.” Gideon rarely mentioned his ex-wife, so I left it open ended for him to say more if he wanted.

He shoved his hammer back into his holster. “Sorry to be a whiner.” He stood up. “But hey, I think we’re done.”

I raked my fingers through my hair to get the worst of the sawdust out. “This thing is awesome. Think we should let the kids come on up?” I asked loud enough for them to squeal in excitement.

“Asking for trouble, man,” Gideon said out of the side of his mouth.

Max scrambled up the ladder with his little brother hot on his heels. The best part of a job like this was the kid aspect. Someday I’d make one for my kid. I had the perfect tree behind my cabin.
