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So much more.

The little chat chime had me sprinting for the computer. One of the puppies didn’t like the sound and made a sad howl.

“Shoot. Oh, little guy, no.” I glanced at the computer then back to the little caramel-colored pup. I scooped him up. He was trembling and trying to burrow into my skin. I didn’t know what else to do, so I tucked him into my shirt. He settled down instantly. “Well, hell.”

I shrugged. At least he was quieting down.

Goodtothelastdrop: Are you there?

Cabin Fortress: Yes, sorry. It’s been one of those days. Most of it good, then my evening took on a crazy left turn.

Goodtothelastdrop: Good left? Like with whipped cream?

I groaned. She was determined to kill me. I was still reeling from her earlier message and today had been insane.

Goodtothelastdrop: Or did I scare you with my email? You didn’t write back.

Cabin Fortress: No. Believe me, that was a no. That letter was perfect. And I’ve been thinking about it all day.

Goodtothelastdrop: But you didn’t reply.

Cabin Fortress: There was a work emergency today. I ended up wrapped in meetings all day until just a little bit ago. Then the left-hand turn.

Goodtothelastdrop: Do I get a hint?

I peered down at the little bundle of tan fur snoozing against my chest. How on earth was I supposed to explain this? Real life was encroaching on our little bubble way too much lately.

From Lucky’s wrecking ball style jackassery to a six pack of puppies, things had been crazy this week.

Cabin Fortress: A certain beautiful rainbow-haired woman asked me how open-minded I was. It got a guy thinking many less than pure thoughts. And I don’t want to scare you away.

Goodtothelastdrop: How impure?

Cabin Fortress: I have a fireplace in my room and I’ve been picturing you spread out on my reading chair. It’s one of those long chairs you can nap in. All that firelight on your skin and me, tracing every inch of you with my lips. It might not be daring, but I’d be so fucking thorough, Vee. You’d be worshipped.

Goodtothelastdrop: Oh, that’s impure enough. I am so onboard with that kind of impure.

I sat back with a puppy burrowed into my chest and I’ve got the hottest girl on the damn planet wanting to talk sexy with me. Maybe even cyber.

Why was this my life?

I looked down at my little charge and sighed. He was way too content. There was no way I could put him down. This particular little guy was almost always trying to get into my sleeve or jacket.

Cabin Fortress: If I go any more impure, I’m going to need some alone time, Vee.

Goodtothelastdrop: Well, we don’t want to waste that particular piece of you. It’s a very precious commodity.

Of course it was. I was fighting off an epic boner and she only wanted what was in my balls. I kept forgetting that part.

Goodtothelastdrop: Not that I don’t mind sampling the goods a few times prior to any type of plan we might have about making a baby. If you were serious about that firelight situation.

Cabin Fortress: Oh, I was serious.

Goodtothelastdrop: And yet you won’t let me talk to you on the phone.

I sighed. How was I supposed to get around this? If she heard my voice, it was game over. Not that I could keep this going on forever. It was either end it, or let her know who I really was.

I got up and grabbed my phone to take a picture of my windows and the darkness of the lake in the distance. I manipulated the photo a little to show my broad shoulders and a little of my profile in the reflection. Not enough to really show her anything of value. But enough so she might be appeased a little while longer.
