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And I was lying on the shore, broken from the wreckage. As always.

“Who’s this handsome fella?” She smiled up at Murphy.

“Mom, this is Murphy Masterson. Murphy, this is my mom, Andrea.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Dixon.” He held out a hand.

My mom laughed gaily and shook his hand. “So polite. Where did you find this one, VeeBee?”

“On the internet, when I made a request for a baby daddy.”

She didn’t seem to have heard me, but the couple ahead of us in line sure did. I flashed them a cheeky smile.

“Oh, and by the way, my last name isn’t Dixon anymore. It’s Newman.” She dangled her hand in my face. “I just got hitched. I didn’t know how to tell you so I sent a postcard letting you know we were swinging through town before we head to Australia. That’s where Burke lives. Hey, Burke, honeybun, c’mere and meet my baby girl.” She waved to her new husband.

I let out a long, slow breath. I was used to her changing boyfriends like she changed her hair color, but this was a new one. And to let me know via postcard?

Nice one, Mom.

Guess I should’ve been grateful she sent word at all, even if I hadn’t received the postcard yet.

“Hi there, nice to meet you.” The tall, sandy-haired man my mother was surgically attached to smile widely and held out a hand first to me, then to Murphy. “Drea said her daughter was a knockout, and she wasn’t lying. I’ve heard so much about you over the last few weeks.”

“Weeks? And you’re married now?”

My mother tightly gripped her new husband’s hand. “When you know, you know. The first time we met, Burke said he only had eyes for me, and I felt the same.”

The line moved forward, and so did we. Though my legs felt as if they were mired in mud.

“And did I hear you say your name was Murphy?” Burke asked, glancing at my date.

“Yes, sir. Nice to meet you.” Murphy slid his arm around my waist and I found myself leaning into his embrace.

Maybe I was more like my mother than I’d realized. Both of us cleaving to men we barely knew.

Emotionally needy, anyone?

We finally gave our names to the maître’d and my mother and new daddy tagged along with us to our table. It was a secluded one for two by the window, but my mother and Burke pulled over chairs.

“We won’t interrupt for long, we promise. We’re just going to have a quick bite and head back up to our suite.” My mom giggled and patted Burke’s thigh. “Honeymood period, you know?” Before I could reply to that, she smiled at me and Murphy. “I have to say I’m glad to see you dating again. I’ve been so worried about you, VeeBee, since that last boyfriend left you sobbing on the couch with repeats of The Notebook.”

I rolled my eyes. “So worried you sent a postcard to tell me you were married? And that ‘last boyfriend’ was when I was twenty-two. Years ago.”

“Is it my fault you don’t tell me much about your personal life?” She motioned to the waitress at the next table. “I’d love a wine spritzer, please. Sorry to bother you.”

“Sure thing. Here’s some menus while I’m at it.” She passed them around and apologized for how busy it was in the restaurant tonight, then took our drink orders.

She’d no sooner left that Sage strolled over to the table, looking absolutely gorgeous in a coral top and short black skirt. “Hi, Moose. Hi, Vee. It’s a zoo tonight.”

“A lot of business is a good thing, right?” Murphy smiled at her and motioned to my parents. “Mr. and Mrs. Newman, this is our friend Sage Hamilton. She owns this bed and breakfast with her husband. Sage, this is—these are Veronica’s parents. I mean, this is her mother, and her mother’s new husband.” Murphy cleared his throat.

“Oh, yes, we met Sage when we checked in. Such a sweet girl.” My mom beamed with more warmth at Sage than she’d smiled at me.

Or maybe that was jealousy talking again. Maybe I was going through PMS. Or JIMS?

A jealousy-induced mental spiral.

“Yes, it was great to meet you, Mrs. Newman. I didn’t realize you were Vee’s mom though.”
