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Under my Plum

Sweet Child of Mint

All You Need is Lemon

If that wasn’t enough, the name of the truck stretched across the top made me grin until my cheeks hurt.

Rolling Cones.

It was bloody perfect. Just like Ivy.

She’d set up the truck in a music theme and she was bringing her dream to life. Best of all, her dream was something we could share. Because she’d made it mine too. She’d combined both of our loves into this incredible thing.

My mouth was already watering for a taste of her Peppermint Patty.

And that wasn’t a euphemism.


This was why she’d called me. To tell me about what she’d accomplished so we could celebrate together.

Oh, how we would fucking celebrate.

The door to the interior was open. I rushed over to it and bounded up the stairs, not concerned about stealth or making an entrance. Or hell, even being able to breathe in that sauna-like truck.

I didn’t care about anything but lifting her up in my arms for a spin. I wanted to laugh with her and kiss her and shower her in the praise she deserved for all she’d built.

Best of all, this was just the beginning.

She stood with her back to me at the sink. I waited for her to turn, to acknowledge me at all. I couldn’t seem to speak. She had on heeled shoes that made her legs look miles long and a plaid miniskirt that caused me to think very unchaste th

oughts. Her hair was in braids again, and she wore a white top that barely seemed to contain her curves.

She shifted and I had to swallow a groan. Holy fuck, there were a lot of them. Even more so than when I’d seen her last.

Her full breasts pressed against her tight T-shirt with its broken heart and the word Rebound written across it.

I frowned. Well, that was worrisome, wasn’t it?

But I was here. I could make everything up to her. Ideally, before any rebounds took place.

Let’s hope.

I couldn’t stop staring at her, sucking down every bit of her as if she was oxygen. The shirt’s hem flirted with her navel, until she shifted just a bit more and it lifted enough for me to fully glimpse her belly.

Her swollen belly.

Christ, what was I seeing? It couldn’t be what I thought. It simply could not.

My knees turned to liquid, and I gripped the doorframe. Spots danced at the edges of my vision.

I was suffering heat stroke. Or worse. So much worse.

Just then, she yanked out her Air Pods and turned her head toward me. Her mouth rounded in shock.

She wasn’t the only one currently experiencing that emotion. I could only manage one word.

