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“So, when are you going to propose? If you need help ring shopping, I have some tips now. My brother and—” Ian must’ve seen my expression, since he put a lid on his mouth.

“Not everyone gets married right away.”

“I know that, Magic.”

“Some people wait almost the entire nine months to officially propose.”

Ian rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. “Plant a baby in a woman, pledge undying devotion to her, give her a ring, and it’s still never enough.”

I had to laugh. A minor miracle, since my throat was now on fire for a completely new reason. “Do you think she expects that? We barely know each other.”

“Yet you’re in love with her? Unless you think it’s one-sided. And if so,” Ian patted my shoulder consolingly, “rough road, my friend.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake, it’s not one-sided. She was fawning over his accent and missing the hell out of him when he was gone.”

“Fawning? Really?” I couldn’t help preening a bit. Hell, my dented ego needed some stroking occasionally. “Here I thought it was just my skill as a lover that had her smitten.”

“No, the accent is actually more useful in getting laid than the dick. Rather lowering to admit, I know, but I came to terms with it some time ago.” Ian shrugged and held a hand out to Zoe. “Give me a little of that, Magic. I’ve a mighty thirst.”

“Sorry. Empty. You might have less thirst if you didn’t talk so much.” She waved him off. “Go get a tea while I talk to Rory.”

Ian cast a look between us, but he didn’t hesitate to amble off. Running from the scene of the crime, that one.

“I know you don’t want children. You’ve said it flat out to us a time or ten. So, if you’re just stringing Ivy along, hoping to let her down easy, don’t. Just make a clean break now.” She flipped her braid over her shoulder, then immediately brought it forward again, fingering the ends. “I know you’ll do right by her financially. I’m not saying you aren’t a good guy, deep down. But trying to be someone you’re not won’t do her any favors in the long run.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“Are you sure? Ian has a way of dragging everyone along with his plans. Maybe you see him so happy about a kid, and figure he’s got one, so I can too.”

“Bloody hell, woman, what kind of bloke do you take me for?” I set the tea cup down with a rattle in the saucer and locked my hands behind my neck. “I’m not faking anything or stringing her along. I have real feelings for her. For God’s sake, my mum knitted her a sweater. I brought home a bracelet that says ‘my love’ in Irish for her. That was before I knew she was pregnant, by the way, in case you missed that while sitting on your throne of judgment.”

Zoe’s throat bobbed, but she didn’t reply.

“I did say I didn’t want children. I didn’t think I wanted a wife either. I’m not all the way there to marriage in my head yet, but I’m so much closer than I ever was before. Give me—give us—a chance to get the rest of the way there together, yeah?”

Zoe’s shoulders lifted as she sucked in a deep breath. Then she flashed me a dazzling smile. “Much, much better. That was the passion I wanted to see from you.” She started to jump to her feet as she once had, then screwed up her features and braced herself on the arms of the chair for a giant heave upward. “Lordy, I am so ready to get this kid out of me. I swear, he’s gotta be the size of a Beluga.”

I hurried forward to help her to her feet. As soon as she was upright, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug much like Ian’s. Unreserved, with every ounce of the fire inside her.

Awkwardly, I patted her back and tried not to crush her stomach between us. “You’re not so dissimilar, are you?”

She didn’t have time to answer, because the baby took th

at moment to kick hard enough that I felt it. Without thinking, I placed my hand on the side of her belly. The child kicked again.

“Oh, look at that. He likes Uncle Rory.”

I was too busy staring at the ripple under my hand. Awe wasn’t a strong enough word for the emotion that moved through me. “Mine will do this too?”

“I imagine so. Can’t see a baby of yours and Ivy’s being a meek sort.”

“Right. A baby of mine and Ivy’s.” I cleared my throat, but it still didn’t do a thing to alleviate the grittiness. Nor could I blink fast enough to keep the heat from my eyes.

“Hey.” Zoe’s voice was gentle. “You know this is going to be okay, right? I know it seems huge and scary right now, but people have been having babies since the beginning of time. It’s a natural process.”

“Hey, Magic, they have fresh scones. Want one?” Ian called.

She sighed. “He’s cute when he’s not being a pain in the keister. Sure,” she called back. “Your son is hungry. Again.”
