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“I don’t think your brother is going to like bailing me out to help his sister get lucky.”

I laughed. “Getting lucky with Lucky Charms.”

“Would you stop with that?”

I sliced my arm across the window of the driver’s side door as snow dropped to the ground. I opened the door and grabbed my snow brush from the floor. I slammed the door shut and another pound of snow coated my feet. With economic movements, I made short work of clearing off my car. I peered over the roof at him. “Are you magically delicious, Rory?”

He came around the car, his hands stuffed into his pockets. The dummy didn’t have gloves like I did. “The better question, my sweet fairy queen, is: are you?”

I straightened and slapped my gloves together to brush off the worst of the snow. “Wow, upgrade. Fairy queen?”

“Only the reddest of redheads are allowed the queen title.” He flicked the end of my braid. “Or is this enhanced?” His gaze dropped to my mouth then lifted to meet my gaze.

I hooked my gloved finger into his belt loop. He hissed as my snow covered fingers hit the skin between hi

s belt and sweater. “Are you asking if the drapes match the curtains, fine sir?”

“I don’t care either way.”

I peered up at him, thick snowflakes tangling in my eyelashes. I tried to blink them away, but the snow was coming down too hard. Just as I was about to step back to continue clearing off the car, he curled his arm around my back and dragged me against his chest.

There was no asking, no teasing.

He swooped down and covered my mouth with his. I could only grip his arms as I held on for the ride. I gave back just as good as I got. When his tongue brushed my bottom lip, I groaned.

Evidently, I was going to check hard and intense off on my internal checklist. He tasted of snow and dark corners that required a roaring fire to combat. I liked it.

I wanted more.

I went on my toes to get closer. My padded breasts felt too tight under the puffy vest. Too many layers, too much cold, too many minutes between us and the Hummingbird’s Nest.

The air whooshed out of my chest as he bumped me up against the car door. His mouth was hot and wild against mine. I forgot where I was, how cold it was, and how long it had been since I’d been kissed. There was nothing but his firm, talented mouth.

His cool fingers slipped under the back of my vest and shirt to find my skin. The calloused tips were almost scratchy and foreign on my flesh as he tunneled up the stretchy fabric. His long fingers practically spanned the width of my lower back. Was he going for my bra?

God, right against the car.

Was I really this far gone? This hard up?


God, he felt good. Tasted better.

The very obvious ridge of something impressive pressed against my middle. Please let that be him and not his phone.

“Sweet Jesus,” he said against my mouth, his accent thick and full of shadows like his kiss. “It’s been too long for me.”

“Really?” My voice was far too breathless. I definitely sounded very amateur-ish in this whole one-night stand business, but surely, I had to have misunderstood.

“Not very California of me, yeah?”

I laughed and went for his mouth again. God, he tasted divine. Better than mint ice cream. I didn’t even care if he was lying to me. I liked the idea of driving him wild.

“As much as I want this right now,” I molded my gloved fingers over his zipper and hallelujah, that was definitely not his phone, “we are on Main Street.”

“Right.” He went for my mouth again, then backed up. “Fuck, that mouth of yours is like a siren’s.” He cupped my cheeks and went in for another hot, mind-wiping kiss.

God, he was way too good at that. Obviously, he was lying about it being too long. Not if he could kiss like that. Again, I didn’t really care. I just wanted more of it.
