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“Heart attack level.”

She leaped out of her chair and tackle-hugged me. “Oh my God, you’re actually finally telling people.”

“Shut up, idiot.”

Kinleigh sat back down. “Girl, you’ve been hiding this little idea in your home freezer for ages. Not that I mind having the best ice cream ever being in my personal freezer, but it should be shared.”

“I’m going to. It’s just not ready yet.”

“Well, it better be. Macy Devereaux doesn’t give second chances.”

“I know that.”

“Do you though?”

Kinleigh’s blue eyes were serious. The same gaze that I got when I was waffling about buying the truck. Tough love Scott style. Pretty sure that was why we were best friends. She willed it to be so.

Not that I was one to blend into the wallpaper, but I sucked at the whole let’s set stuff up thing. Unless it came to my future. For that, I had a notebook full of plans. But I got tunnel vision and all other things could fall away.

Kinleigh didn’t allow such things. She made me go out and have some fun in between having three jobs at any given moment. Being a waitress made me indispensable in high season. Being a great waitress meant I was on everyone’s autodial when they were in a pinch.

The fact that I never said no never helped my cause, but it sure added a lot of favors to my tally list.

“I’m starving. This fruit cup isn’t going to cut it.” She put the empty container on the tray with a pout.

I got up and slid my coat on. “We can get a pizza from Robbie’s. And maybe you can help me with some flavors tonight?”

“Sold.” Kinleigh laughed. “I had thinky thoughts about your truck actually.”

I dumped our tray and set it on the shelf above the trash. “Oh?”

Kin slipped her arm through mine. “Tell me you brought an umbrella.”

“Just my slicker.”


The door opened and a gust of rain and wind slapped me in the face.

“What are you doing here?” She wiped the wet off her arms in disgust.

“Nice to see you too, Kinleigh.” My brother’s deep voice filled the space. He shook off the rain from his Carhartt jacket.

I glanced at my best friend. Her cheeks were flushed and she wouldn’t look at him. Not her usual response to my brother.

“We were just leaving.” She brushed by me to the door.

“Where’s your jacket?”

“It’s nearly summer.”

My gaze jumped from my brother to Kinleigh like a tennis match.

She fisted her hands. “I’ll be fine.” And she flew out the door.

“Something I should know?”

August laughed. “Just her pissed at me as per usual.”
