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When he spoke again, all I heard was white noise.

Damn, he was built. No wonder I was pregnant. I was amazed I hadn’t gotten inseminated just from seeing him naked.

Maybe I had.

“Hannah.” He tried again. “Hannah?”

I just licked my lips. He let out a low groan and slipped into the Jacuzzi across from me. “Never mind.”

“Where did you get all the ink?” I asked when I recovered my voice. “It’s so not like you.”

“A few have special meaning. Others were dares when I was with my—with Billy.” He exhaled. “Besides, are you sure you know exactly what I’m like yet?”

His voice was low, barely audible over the bubbling water. Or else I was fixated on studying his body again, partially disguised as it was by the foam.

“No, I’m not sure. But I want to know everything.”

The heavy-lidded look he gave me didn’t register surprise, but I could feel it in the tension in his body. His legs were braced on either side of mine, not touching. So close I could feel his heat and how rigidly he was holding himself still.

Two strangers, naked in a tub. Who’d made a baby, even if one of them didn’t realize that yet. Yet we didn’t want to get too much into each other’s personal space.

I started to laugh.

He nudged me with his calf and that made me laugh harder.

“Not sure if you’re up on hot tub protocol, but when a guy gets in with you, maybe cool it on the chuckles?”

I wiped my streaming eyes. “Just we’re a little ridiculous. So careful and polite, and it’s so past time for all of that.”

“Is it now?”

I sucked in a breath and inched forward, stretching my legs over his thighs. He didn’t move. Didn’t even seem to breathe as I dragged myself toward him. It took everything I possessed to reach out and touch his face. The sharp lines of his cheekbones, the curve of his temples where sweat beaded on his skin, his granite jaw. I explored him, watching his wary eyes shift in the weak candlelight from hazel to a blazing green. My thumb slid along his lower lip and he nipped it so gently I could only gasp.

The sound seemed to set him off. He pulled me against him, hauling me right into his lap. My bare center met the hard length of his cock and I gasped again, shocked at the arc of pleasure that shot through me.

Then his mouth was on mine, and the pleasure grew like a wildfire.

His hands moved up my back to my shoulders as he angled me right where he wanted me. He kissed me hungrily, desperately, drawing me closer until my breasts mashed to his chest. I cried out from the surprise jolt, and he immediately reared back.

“Too fast? I’m sorry.” He panted between the words, but his concerned gaze never left mine.

“No. Sorry.” I tried again, pressing myself against him with less force. This time, my breasts didn’t hurt. Just twinged in the sweetest way.

As if he knew exactly what I needed, he touched my breast with infinite care. I bit my lip, fairly certain I might shriek if he twisted my nipples right now. Instead, he touched me so tenderly that my eyes grew damp and my breathing stuttered.


“Much. Sorry. Just—”

A little bit pregnant here. Touchy boobs. Who knew?

Only the rest of the world.

“It’s okay. I’m obviously overeager. We should’ve done this in a bed.” He blew out a breath. “Or maybe in one of those snowbanks outside. That might’ve worked to keep me in check.” His gaze dropped to my cleavage. “Then again, probably not.”

Knowing I made him so crazed was freeing in the very best way. Only one thing was still making me hesitate. Make that two.

One was the pea-sized child growing inside me. The other was the one sleeping down the hall.
