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I clutched his shoulders, needing to hold on while he so thoroughly destroyed me. I kept right on holding him when he buried his face in my hair and let out a shout. He plowed into me one more time, prolonging the moment until we were both sweaty and gasping.

No beginning. No end.

Finally, he lifted his head and pushed the tangle of hair out of my face. He kissed me so softly that my heart ached as much as the rest of me. “Okay?”

I smiled weakly. “So much better than okay.”

He smiled back before his gaze drifted to the monitor beside the bed. It was blissfully quiet. “I should probably check—” He broke off and frowned, his troubled expression barely visible in the silvery moonlight. “We forgot a condom. I mean, I didn’t have any, so—” He blew out a breath. “What was that about you saying earlier we didn’t need them? Did you go on the Pill?”

I’d hoped to have a few more minutes to bask in the afterglow. Not long, because my conscience wouldn’t let this go on any longer. I’d wanted to tell him earlier, but apparently, I’d needed to check out for a while. And sleep in a cloud-like, huge bed that dwarfed my own at home, with Asher’s muscled arm cuddling me close.

But the time had come. No more delays.

“No, I’m not on the Pill. I don’t need to be.” I faced him squarely. “I’m pregnant.”


In times of crisis, some people claim to see their lives flash before their eyes. You know, right before a bullet rips into them, or an attacker swings out with a knife.

In my case, I saw the rest of my life flash before my eyes after Hannah spoke, not the past.

I saw late night feedings.

Changing endless diapers. Picking up one baby, slapping on some Pampers, then passing it to my grandmother as I moved to the next one in the assembly line.

Singing “Baby Shark” until my eardrums exploded.

Balancing one baby per hip while I dealt with colleagues and scheduled meetings and tried to maintain a shred of sanity.

And sex? Sex would not be a factor in my life ever again, obviously. There would be no time for such frivolity. Not to mention it had landed me in this situation.


I rolled out of bed and went straight into the bathroom. Where I stared at myself in the mirror and wondered if I was too old to run away from home.

Hannah did not follow. I didn’t blame her.

You’re being an asshole. She’s dealing with this too, you know.

I still couldn’t believe it. I was sure I’d wake up in bed alone any minute. Hannah wouldn’t even be there, because she would’ve refused to spend the night. We needed to think about what was best for Lily.

For this new baby.

A new baby.

Good Christ. I hadn’t even gotten a handle on parenting the last one.

I splashed ice cold water on my face and took care of business, then eyed the bathroom window and debated if I could fit through it. Probably not. Besides, I’d have to face this eventually.

That was what I did. Dealt with things straight on. Without even an ounce of immaturity.

I stepped into the bedroom. Hannah was curled up on the bed, her honeyed hair tumbled over her face. “You should’ve disclosed your…condition before taking the nanny job.”

Once the words were out, I had no idea what on earth had possessed me to say them.

She should have told me right away, but it was hardly a deterrent to her employment.
