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“How am I supposed to know?”

“Well, you’ve been with two guys.”

“Uh, no. It’s Asher’s baby.”

“Wait.” Gabby pushed her hair back from her face, exasperation lighting her eyes. “You’ve only worked for him for a week.”

“Yeah, it’s complicated.”

“I need more food to understand this whole thing. Like a lot more food. And you need to explain. Pronto.”

I looked back down at my unevenly cut biscuit dough with a sigh. Even talking about Asher made chaos take over my life. How many times had I divided up biscuit dough this week? Oh, only every day.

She went to the large crockpot and fixed herself another bowl. Then spotted the cheese biscuits I’d put aside for my clients.


She took one with a shrug. “Your penance for not telling me about all the good-goods, woman. Now spill.”

And I did. I told her about the snowstorm and how wonderful it had been for a first time. At least I only had my experience to go by. Of course, then there was the fact that I split the morning after as if it had been a dirty little secret. Then about Bess and how I ended up working for him and just how insane my life had become.

Gabby’s huge brown eyes were saucers by the time I was finished. And another bowl of stew was gone.


“Yeah. So, you can see it’s been a tense few weeks.”

“Yes, but it didn’t have to be. You could have come to me.”

“I didn’t know how.” I dumped my overworked biscuit dough into the trash. Crap. That would set me back, and Lily could wake up any minute. “I was trying to put it behind me and to get my business going. Hello, I just sent my sisters off to college. I really wasn’t interested in doing this all over again.” I pointed to the baby bottles in the drying rack.

“Your sisters weren’t babies when you took over.”

“No, but I helped raise them. I’m well-versed in this whole thing. But Lily is so sweet, and Bess is a force. And God, the money seemed like it would be good. Then I walk into this crazy mansion and find Asher.”

“Hello, one hot night dude.”

“I figured I would do this until Hannah’s Helping Hand Boxes got off the ground. I didn’t even know I was pregnant when I took the job. Well, he sort of strong-armed me into it, although I already adored Lily. Then…” I sighed.

“Then you have a baby daddy and a boss. You really are a Hallmark movie. A dirty one, but whoa.”

“Shut up.”

She waggled her eyebrows. “Seriously. You got way lucky with the good nookie thing. That doesn’t usually happen the first time.”

“Orgasms are the least of my problems. I have a half-going business, yes, but…”

“But what? You have a rent-free situation here and an adorable baby to babysit while you get things going. Hell, you can finally sell your folks’ house. You never loved being back there anyway.”

“Except I might need that house, after all.”

“The girls are super happy at college. They don’t even come home for vacations anymore.”

“Yeah, well, I might need it for my baby.”

“You told Asher, right?”

“Of course, I did. It’s so damn awkward we don’t even talk about it. I can’t count on him sticking around.”
