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This was simply fumbling in the dark.

“I messed up.”


“Let me finish. A little birdie told me you were in a spot with your ex. I’m a jealous bitch when I want to be. I guess that includes when the guy I’m going on a date with is chatting with a gorgeous Hollywood blond he happened to once be married to. Although I think her color is a bit brassy, to be honest.”

The corner of his mouth ticked up. “I divorced her after she cheated on me with the pool boy. Can a story be more clichéd?”

“Oh, you’d be surprised,” I said faintly, locking down any sudden needs to go to confession.

I didn’t talk about Lou. Only Vee knew the barest bones, and that was because she’d been around right afterward. And okay, so did Rylee, but she was my best friend. There also might have been threats of blood loss involved. She’d been pregnant at the time so she’d been in full-on savage mode.

“I don’t have feelings left for her. If I could vaporize her with my mind and it not affect Dani, I’d probably do it just to save myself the aggravation of dealing with her. But most of the time, she’s like that gnat you ignore because killing her would be more trouble.”

I blinked. “That’s specific. And because I’m me, oddly hot.”

“I like you being possessive of me.” His spicy cologne wafted toward me on the breeze.

And those shields that were wavering in his presence held up tiny white flags.

“It wasn’t of you per se.” Even I could hear the breathiness of my voice. I wasn’t flirting so much as trying not to forget how to breathe.

“Uh huh. I was just the guy who asked you out.”



“The guy you keep kissing in front of God and Jason.”

“I’m more of a Michael gal myself, but he’ll do in a pinch. Also, you kissed me last time.” He moved closer and my gaze bounced up to his. “I brought three condoms.”

His dark eyebrow winged up. “Did you now?”

“No. Forget I said that. So, what about those Yankees?”

“I also brought condoms. Only two. Sounds like we should be in for a good night.” He exhaled and looked somewhere over my shoulder. “I swear, it’s like she sensed I could be happy for five fucking minutes and had to destroy it.”

“I hope that’s not a cautionary tale about your prowess.”

He didn’t laugh. Didn’t so much as crack a smile. I wasn’t sure he even heard me.

Sucking in a breath, I tightened my grip on his forearm. His eyes flashed to mine in the near darkness, broken only by the scatter of lights along the eaves of my coffee shop behind us. “I shouldn’t have provoked the bear. It’s a bad habit of mine.”

“She came here with that in mind. It wasn’t because of you. Dani’s told me some weird things she’s said lately. It’s like she keeps going back and forth between my reclusive ways and my new player status, thanks to the media. Since acting is in her blood, I’m guessing she’s been running lines to see which stuck. Tonight she decided she’d go with me being more concerned about my love life than my daughter.”

“Which is utter bullshit. You don’t even date.”

“Thanks for noticing, Killer.”

“Do I lie?”

“No, not ever. Unlike me. I’m the guy who didn’t tell you I had a kid. Or an ex-wife.”

“Those weren’t lies. Not exactly. Look, I say things when I’m horny and frustrated. Which means you might not want to speak to me right now. I’ve already made a ginormous disaster of the night. I nearly fought your ex. Like physically.” I flexed the fingers of my free hand. “And no, there would’ve been no mud involved. Sorry.”

“I didn’t even ask. Although I’d like seeing you in mud. I’d prefer not to see Jessica at all. Ever.” He shut his eyes. “Dani loves her.”
