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“That’s so sweet. You really wanted her.”

“Want,” I corrected, and it all hit me like a sledgehammer to the forehead again.

Jessica showing up without warning. Jessica fishing for information and accusing me of anything that popped into her head. The words between her and Macy.

“She belongs with you.” Macy rubbed the spot through my shirt where the disk sat against my chest. “And just ignore me, because my mouth is like Jaws and I suck up all good times—holy fucking shit!”

A Grim Reaper jumped out of the darkness and nearly dove into the hayride, which was freaky enough. But then the pumpkin scarecrow that everyone had assumed was a decoration lumbered to his feet and let out an inhuman roar, making the kids and even some of the parents shriek and cover their faces.

I just laughed and laughed while Macy glared at me, her lips twitching as she fought not to join me.

“Asshole. It just surprised me is all.” She poked me hard in the ribs before covering my grinning mouth with her own.

Just like every other time, it was akin to going deep diving. Loss of all sense of time and space. Nothing registered except the warmth of her lips and the slide of her tongue against mine as she shifted across my lap, crawling closer until we were wedged together.

And then the clearing of a throat about six inches away.

“Not the place for this, you two.”

The deep voice caused me to jerk back and turn my head toward Jared Brooks. Also known as Sheriff Brooks, who was seated a few feet away from us on a nearby hay bale and leaning forward without a whit of amusement on his face.

For fuck’s sake, he even had his official hat on. How had I missed that?

Distracted much?

Macy gave a minute shake of her head. “Got me.”

It was my turn to clear my throat. “Sorry, Sheriff.?


“Seems like I’ve had reports of you two doing this all over town.”

“Reports?” Macy demanded. “From who? Give me names, numbers, and times.”

The sheriff wisely ignored her. “Including on TV. I’d say get a room, but I’d assume that between the two of you, you have access to proper facilities.”

“Yes, sir.” I clamped a hand over Macy’s mouth when she would’ve spewed God only knows what with children nearby. As it was, more than a couple of them had turned to watch us with curious eyes.

Their parents, however, didn’t seem nearly as interested. More like pissed.

Oh, yeah, I was definitely setting a great precedent to go before a judge to prove how upstanding I was. Seemed like I better get on board that train fast.

Then Macy decided to bite me.

I yanked my hand away from her mouth and shook it out. “You’ve had a recent rabies shot, right?”

Even the sheriff winced. “On second thought, don’t think that room will be necessary, after all.”


I was thankful that Gideon had taken us out of town for our first date. Since then, only every third customer stared at me a touch too long. Because of course the whole town was already talking about us, thanks to my little stunt on his damn lap.

I still wasn’t sure what the hell I’d been thinking.

And now I wanted to add sexual frustration times three thousand to my list of grievances. Add in some guilt due to his happily chattering daughter in the reading nook, and I was ready to take a scythe to the entire dining room.
