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Gideon hung his head and we all laughed.

“Well, she’s been through quite a bit tonight.”

Dani touched her little pink hand. “Wow.”

“Yeah, pretty much all I can say too,” Ivy whispered. She looked up at me. “Sorry I kind of put on a show.”

“At least it wasn’t in the middle of lunch.” I placed my hands on Dani’s shoulders to gently pull her back.

Ivy laughed and kissed the top of her daughter’s head. “No. Small favors there.” She craned her neck to smile up at August. “And I had my backup coaches here.”

“She’s beautiful, Ive.” August’s voice was deep with emotion. “Mom and Dad will meet us at the hospital.” He finally released Kinleigh. “Why don’t you go with her on the ambulance and I’ll follow in the truck.”

Kinleigh nodded. “Yeah, definitely.”

Rylee came forward to say hi to the baby. “Vee is going to be pissed she missed it.”

“At least there would have been cookies. I’m famished.” Ivy laughed and kissed the baby again. The baby’s hair was so fine, but it seemed to have a bit of a red tinge to it.

“Hey, Ash, you want to go get a few cookies from the bakery cabinet for our new mama?”

“Yeah.” She ran without a limp. G

uess that sore ankle was miraculously feeling better now that she didn’t have time to think about it. “Can I have one too?”

I caught Gideon’s gaze, but he was obviously somewhere else. His furrowed brow was back and he was on his phone again. I was pissed enough to make the executive decision that he deserved to have to deal with his daughter and double chocolate cookies at eleven at night.

“Sure can. Two for you too.”


The paramedics were quick to pack Ivy up onto the stretcher and start for the door.

Dani raced back in with a little white bag. “Here you go.”

Ivy took the bag with a little wave.

Kinleigh was hot on their heels and August stood behind the wreckage of my former couch. I could tell he was torn between racing after them and helping us.

I nudged Rylee. “Come on, Mocha. It’s time to get our muscle on.” I crossed to the couch and pushed August aside. “Go. You should be with family.”

“But I can help first.”

“Go. We’re not helpless. I can make Gideon help if need be.”

Even if he was busy texting like a madman. Dani was happily stuffing chunky chocolate chip cookies into her face.

I gathered all the towels and threw them on the couch, then got out the trash bags I kept tucked behind the cans in the garbage stations.

“Why do we always get cleanup duty?” Rylee muttered.

I handed her a bag. “That’s a very good question.”

Gideon finally seemed to notice we were cleaning up and came over to help. Between the three of us, we managed to get the couch out back. I was pretty sure my customers didn’t need to see the crime scene the next morning.

Gideon was quiet and I didn’t know what the hell to say, so I opted for nothing.

“I’m going to go give all the things a quick mop.” Rylee looked between us and gave me a yikes look. “I’ll check on Dani.”
