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I dropped onto the bench beside him. “Same.”

He tucked his hands under his arms again and scrunched down beside me to my height.

I gave him a wary side-eye. “What?”

“Nothing. I’m assuming the revolving door is still going strong?”

“Only way I escaped.” I mirrored his crossed arms situation. It was better than curling against him like my traitorous body wanted to. Partially so I could sleep, but the other half of me wanted to breathe in his rain-scented cologne or soap and find out just how blessed he was behind those Carhartt work pants.

I needed an intervention.

Or to soak my head.

“Hey, maybe we can go home then?” He straightened and shoved his hood down. “Coaching is done now that Lucky Charms finally showed up.”

When Ivy called her husband that, it was usually with affection. Not so much when it came to August with his brother-in-law. “Don’t sound so bitchy. Rory feels guilty enough.”

August stood up with a grunt. “He shouldn’t have left her alone.”

“Don’t go in there and make him feel bad.”

He held his hand out to me. “No problem. I just won’t talk to him.”

I rolled my eyes. I paused for a moment before putting my hand in his.

The rolling low frequency hum started at my fingertips and sent shockwaves through my bones. Thankfully, I was alone in this problem.

What he did not know would not embarrass me.

I took my hand back and shoved them both into my pockets. “I can get a ride back with Gina.”

“No, I’ll take you home.”

“Your house is the other direction.”


“You’ve been up all night. Obviously, you’re tired.”

“So are you. At least I got a twenty-minute nap.” He slid an arm around my shoulders and hauled me against him. “Ivy would never forgive me.”

“Can’t have that.” I curled my arm around his back automatically and got a full-frontal attack of his scent. Damn him. Most dudes would smell like gym socks after a night of stress-sweating through coaching a birth then spending the night in a hospital.

Life just wasn’t fair.

We managed to only get waylaid for a few minutes with his parents. Gina and Gabby had already gone down to the nursery to see the baby with Ivy. Part of me wanted to join them and see her again, but the other half of me was so done.

Watching Ivy and Rory with their heads together, whispering and crying, made my chest hurt for reasons I did not want to analyze.

I let August lead me out to find the sun had already disappeared. Living in a lake town gave us a front row seat to rolling clouds on a semi-daily basis. It just made the sunny days seem all the sweeter. Fall was crisp in the air, and I burrowed into my lightweight jacket.

Suddenly, he draped a hoodie over my shoulders, and I was literally shrouded in August’s scent.

Was swooning allowed if it was only in my brain?

When he opened the passenger side door to his truck, I finally snapped him into focus.

“You all right?”
