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He was so warm and soft and snuggly in his fleece onesie with moose climbing all over it. I started to laugh as I got the reference to his father, startling him out of his almost snooze, and he let out a wail.

Yet again the party ground to a halt.

Go, Kinleigh.

Vee came back to take Theodore, but eventually, Elijah landed in my arms. He was blissfully asleep, so I could rock him and whisper whatever popped into my wine-addled head without him being offended. By then, I’d had a fourth glass and was feeling no pain.

Other than over the fact that my best friend was spending more time with her phone than talking to me, but who could blame her? She had a precious little girl at home, and I was a fully grown adult, capable of making an ass of myself without anyone’s help.

At least Vee loved the scarf and wanted me to find her half a dozen more in different colors. I agreed, because anything seemed reasonable right then.

Including texting August while Ivy got our coats from the front hall closet.

You have a rash? I hope it didn’t hurt.

After I sent it, I frowned. That wasn’t how I should’ve worded that. A little tact, jeez.

Does it still hurt now? Sorry, didn’t know it made your *eggplant emoji* sore.

I was rather proud I’d used the eggplant emoji rather than some sophomoric term for a penis. Ivy and I referred to them in all manner of ways that didn’t work for a text with August.

“All set?” Ivy asked brightly as she held out my coat. Too brightly actually.

Did she know something?

I let her help me on with my coat, although I was the taller one. But my addled brain was on overdrive.

August wouldn’t have told her. Unless maybe he’d had an allergic emergency and he had no choice? No man would want to be caught with his pants down, literally.

I yanked my coat into place and whirled to f

ace her. “Did August talk to you?”

Ivy whipped her hair out from the collar of her coat. “He does often, since he’s my brother. As does Caleb, for the same reason. Caleb not as much because he’s on the 3 P patrol.”

I tried to chill out as I grabbed my purse. “Oh, some school thing?” August and Ivy’s brother taught at the local elementary school.

“Um, no. Try parties, Pabst, and pussy.”

“Hey now.” Sage sidled up to Ivy, her blond brows raised to her hairline. “Is that any talk for a lady? And if not, let’s be friends.” She giggled and slipped her arm through Ivy’s. “We’ve already bonded through our shared enjoyment of torturing Rory. Did you know they made their very first love nest in my bed and breakfast?” They shared a secret grin.

I did know the story of how Ivy and Rory had hooked up a few times at Sage’s inn, but right now, I was feeling left out on about sixteen different levels. I would’ve sworn there was some private baby mama society I hadn’t been invited to and would probably never be granted access.

You aren’t drinking again. Ever.

As if she could read my thoughts, Sage reached out to rub my coat sleeve. “You’re okay to get home? Ivy’s driving you?”


I didn’t even argue. But I did after Ivy’s next statement.

“She’s also going to stay the night.”

“What? No. I can’t. My apartment has—”

Nothing. Not even a plant, although I had a couple in the shop. Why didn’t I have any plants at home? I needed some.

“Your apartment will be just fine overnight.”
