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As soon as we were inside, she slammed both hands against my chest and pushed me into the closed door. She inched up on her toes and I leaned down, unprepared for her hard, hungry kiss. The motion literally knocked off my ball cap and sent my senses reeling.

Somehow I found myself cupping her ass, clad in just lacy panties. My cock went from interested to hell yeah in a second flat.

“You’re so sweet,” she gasped between kisses, reaching down to palm my shaft.

I groaned into her mouth. So much for keeping quiet. I was amazed the sound didn’t echo through the canyon. Did Crescent Cove have a canyon?

So many questions. So little bloodflow left outside my erection.

She plucked the mangled violet out of my hand and made a noise crossed between a sigh and a squeal. I’d never heard anything similar from Kinleigh, that was for sure.

“You brought me a flower?”


Her lips curved. “You sound uncertain.”

I rubbed the heel of my hand over my chest. “I’m trying to come to terms with not being inside you yet.”

She stepped forward and grabbed my belt buckle, pulling my cock flush with the cleft between her thighs. I couldn’t help groaning again, even more loudly than the last time.

“That so?” Her question was a purr. “You risking another rash, big boy?”

When I growled, she released possibly the sexiest laugh I’d ever heard from her. So light and feminine and free.

Also, so very tipsy. Unfortunately for me.

“I never got a rash. I don’t have a latex allergy. I just told my mom I did because I was messing around with girls at fourteen and didn’t want her to know.”

“Fourteen?” Her eyes widened. “Early bloomer.”

“How about you?”

She was studying my mouth, her focus so intent that my dick twitched. “How about me what?”

I tucked one of her loose red curls behind her ear. “How early did you…bloom?”

She trailed the small, tender violet over the base of her throat, drawing my gaze to where her pulse beat so crazily under her fair skin. “Not very early at all. Twenty-one. Then I think I re-hymenated for a while after he broke up with me.”

I knew I was supposed to laugh, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

“Any man who broke up with you is a moron.” I couldn’t stand the guy without even knowing him, because I hadn’t managed to date her yet. Possibly because of him. “Tell me his name, and I’ll go put sugar in his gas tank.”

She smiled again fleetingly. “Not worth it. Besides, he has a valet.”

Extreme dislike shot right into hatred. And talking suddenly became very overrated.

I scooped her up over my shoulder, expecting her to let out an unholy scream loud enough to wake the whole house. Instead, she tapped my shoulder and reached back to hold up the violet, already halfway to crushed. “It needs water.”

Carefully, I set her down on her back on the bed, making her bounce just to see her laugh. She didn’t disappoint me, her blue eyes dancing. Still, she never relinquished her hold on my offering until I held out my hand. Worry crossed her features, and my gut tightened as if I was preparing for a blow.

I probably was. She kept sucker-punching me, and she didn’t even know it.

Thank fuck.

“I’ll get some water for it.”

She nodded and placed the struggling flower so gently in the palm of my hand. I was sure it wouldn’t last for much more than a couple of hours, but the gesture was enough.
