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He pushed back into me one last time. “Kinleigh,” he panted against my neck before he finally gave in.

I could feel him filling me up. Probably it was half my imagination. Half my own desperate longing. But the sensation sent me careening and I spasmed hard around his cock. He grunted in my ear, praising me for having no reserves left against him.

“That’s it. Let it all go.”

I had no choice.

He dropped on top of me for an instant before he rolled off onto his back to wheeze for breath. “Give me five and we’ll do it again.”

I managed to lift my heavy eyelids. His arm was draped over his face and his chest was heaving. “We will?”

In lieu of an answer, he slid his hand between my legs, cupping me where I was so swollen and soaked. When I got what he was doing—metaphorical gesture or not—I had to bite my lip around a grin.

“What’s so funny?”

“You, trying to fight gravity.”

He shifted closer and pulled down the collar of my nightshirt until my breast flowed over it, obscenely on display. He drew the tip between his teeth, sucking while I squirmed. “I’ll make sure you stay nice and filled, don’t you worry.”

I pressed my damp thighs together, trapping his already exploring hand. “I don’t doubt it.”

Rather than climbing on top of me, he tucked my breast away and laid his head on my chest, giving us both a moment to settle. And in my case, to contemplate how my life might be changing.

Our lives.

A sharp knock sounded at the door. “Kinleigh? It’s past ten. Are you okay?” Ivy’s voice seemed strangled. Or maybe worried. “You never,” cough, “sleep this late.”

More coughing. Almost choking. Had she picked up a bug? That wasn’t good with the baby.

No, she picked up you were banging her brother in her guest room, you horndog.

I glanced at August, certain he would be as freaked out as I was at the possibility she’d heard something incriminating. We hadn’t been very circumspect.

His eyes were closed. A moment later, he let out a soft snore.


Then the time sunk in. Past ten? The store was opening at noon. I had so much to do to prepare before I did my walk of shame out of here. If it could be called that when we were trying to procreate.

We hadn’t even dated—and probably wouldn’t—yet we were attempting to have a child. Made sense.


August made another sound in his sleep and I smothered a giggle. I didn’t have much choice but to pretend to be snoring the day away until Sleeping Beauty roused, assuming that occurred in the next twenty minutes. I had to get ready for work so I couldn’t spare much longer than that.

He would have to hide in the bathroom while I lured Rory and Ivy out of the house. Or something. We’d figure it out.

Since August obviously wasn’t aware, I gave in to the urge to stroke his hair. As far as potential baby daddies went, so far I’d picked a good one.

Even if I might need earplugs.


“What kind of spread would you like today?”

I flattened my hands on my desktop and tried desperately to center myself. It was Friday, always a crazy day at the shop with women hoping to find that special outfit. Normally, I tried to do my weekly reading with Luna and Ryan on Sundays, but that day hadn’t gone as planned considering I’d woken up from my Saturday night wine bender in bed with August. Add in babymaking practice and a tarot card reading just hadn’t been in the plans.

The rest of the week had been a flurry of work and a couple of buying trips to trunk sales in a couple of nearby towns. Then I’d had dinner last night with Ivy after Rory left town once again, and she was in a woe spiral.
