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Some of the anger bled out of me. He was hurt and I was yelling at him, but God, I’d been so scared. I’d just figured out I wanted him, and I’d almost lost him at the same time.

His grip was just as tight as mine. “I’m fine, Freckles. My guys got me out. They always do, because I fucking trained them to be the best in the area.”

I pressed my forehead to his. His hair was singed along his hairline, and it was just one more reminder of how close the fire had come to him.

He hoisted me up onto the bed and tucked me along the side of him. “I’m good, baby. I swear it.”

I turned my face into his chest and let the tears come. I didn’t sob and break down, just let out a few that had been hovering. “You can’t leave me.”

“Never. I’ll never let you go again.”

“I’ve got plans for us.”

He kissed the top of my head.

“Put your mask back on.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I clung to him in the cramped bed. I didn’t mind the tight quarters. It was my spot with him. My spot had always been by his side. I’d just been too stupid to reach out for it before.

I wouldn’t be again.

Kayla peeked around the curtain. “Is it safe to come in?”

I hid a smile against the furnace that was Jake’s chest. “Yes, it’s safe.”

Jake held out an arm for his little sister. “I’m okay, Cupcake.”

I laughed. “I guess I’m not the only one with a nickname.”

Kayla’s cheeks reddened. “I hate it.”

I laid my hand on his chest by my cheek. “Yeah, it’s not so bad.”

The tromp of boots and male voices created chaos a few minutes later.

Over a dozen firefighters came in to see him throughout the evening. Luckily, Jake was in a solo room. I got a few snarky comments and cold shoulders until the gossip chain had caught up to my news of telling Maitland to take a leap into the lake.

Literally or figuratively, his pick.

Soon after, my parents came in to see Jake, and then headed home. Kayla fessed up about her job situation, and I told him we were hatching a plan.

Finally, everyone cleared out.

Jake shoved at the flat pillow behind his head with a snarl. “I don’t understand why I can’t go home.”

We’d been informed that the mansion was definitely a lost cause. Thankfully, the fire hadn’t spread to the next property. A welcome spring rain had helped out there.

And my guy was acting as if it had been just another day at work.

“Says the man who has had so many coughing fits your abs probably hurt.”

He lifted his ill-fitting hospital gown to show off his very impressive torso. “As you can see, my abs are quite fine. So is the rest of me.”

I just lifted an eyebrow at him. “Rest. Doctor’s orders.”

“You mean nurse. Because I haven’t had a doctor come in to see me so I can freaking go home.”
