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He growled, pressing his fingers into my upper thigh dangerously close to where I was warm and wet for him. “I’m a messy eater, Bee.”

Those words shouldn’t have been hot, but in this context? I definitely got warmer and wetter.

I wiggled around on my seat like a child waiting for recess. Except my play break would include me on my back with my toes pointed toward heaven.

“So, this is new,” my older brother said sometime later as we were all devouring thick slices of pie in every flavor imaginable, except pecan. My crustless pumpkin disaster had ended up in the trash where it belonged.

I was digging into my apple crumb slice with the requisite scoop of vanilla ice cream, so I didn’t realize immediately that Damien was talking to me.


“I know I’m not home very often these days, but I didn’t know you two were dating.” He circled his finger between Jared and I.

We exchanged glances before I said brightly, “Just hoping to do the naked tango at this point, but if you want, I’ll put you on the email list for further notifications.”

Jared gave Damien a tight smile. “Welcome to my life.”

My brother chuckled. “Good luck, brother.”

The evening stretched on with the usual football games and hijinks, although rubbing my pregnant sister’s achy back was a new addition as she complained about Braxton Hicks contractions.

As I was gathering my things to leave with Jared and the baby, my mother pulled me aside to give me a doggy bag of leftovers.

On top of the tin of mashed potatoes was a condom.

A peal of hysterical laughter rang out. It took me a second to realize it was mine.

“Just in case you aren’t prepared, mija.”

I sighed. “I haven’t been a virgin for years. I know how to take care of myself. Also, seriously, chill out. He’s your boss. Stop giving me a complex, okay?”

“I’m not trying to. I just want you to be careful. You think you’re indestructible, but no one is, especially in matters of the heart.?


“Hardly. And he won’t be indestructible either if Daddy keeps eyeballing him.”

My mother waved that off. “You let me handle your father. He trusts my judgement.”

“And now you’re overjoyed about Jared and I after years of giving us grief?”

“I did no such thing. You’re my precious baby,” she framed my face in her hands, “and no one will ever be good enough for you. I suppose the sheriff is a better candidate than most, even if he’s a much older man.”

I rolled my eyes. “Nine years isn’t much older, especially if you factor in most men’s basic immaturity. Besides, you basically told us to hop on the table and get the deed done.”

“Well, it is a day of giving thanks.”

I blinked. Blinked again. “Did the mothership body-snatch you when I wasn’t looking?”

But she didn’t smile. “I know you’ve been hurt. But I know even more that he’s who you want.”

I lowered my gaze to the condom inside the bag. Little did she know I had no intention of using one. “Yes,” I said quietly. “He’s the only one I want. He has been for a very long time.”

“Are you ready to be a mother?”

God, how often would I have to hear stuff like this? Each time burned like acid.

“I’m ready to be with him, in whatever form that takes. Sami’s part of the picture. She’s part of him. So,” I took a deep breath, “I guess she’s part of me too.”
