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At least the first one I could blame on mistletoe. This one? Not so much.

The crash of dishes behind me finally dented the hormone haze. Callum being an artist and spouting random stories about mistletoe shouldn’t have been a turn-on, and yet here I was.

I stepped back and teetered on my heels. He caught me and the very sizable hardness he was sporting should have put me off, and yet it so did not.

Those words and yet were my problem tonight.

Everything about him should have been in my turn-off column. No roots in Crescent Cove—check. Less than stable artist—check. Not looking for something serious—double check.

And here I was, dressed up and looking to impress.

Run, Eleanor Ann Lawton, you run right now.

Not toward him. Away.

Ignoring that voice, I leaned in and brushed his lips one more time. “Let’s make this mistake worth it.”

He frowned. “Why does it have to be a mistake?”

“You don’t exactly have let’s date in mind, do you?”

“I could.” He looked away too fast.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“I don’t know what this is yet. I do know I want to spend time with you.”

I readjusted my purse on my arm. “You want to spend time in my bed.”

“Well, I’m not averse to that, no.”

The fact that I wasn’t either gave me a lot of pause. I’d never been the kind of woman who hopped into bed with strangers. I usually ended up having shit taste in men, but it took a while to figure that out. And that usually included five dates or so. “You’re not from here, either.”

“No.” His eyes narrowed. “Why do I have a feeling you are going down a list in your head, and I’m not getting any checkmarks?”

“I have a lot of plans, Callum.”

“Say it again, Ellie.”

Something fluttered deep in parts of me I didn’t want to think about. “I have a lot of plans.”

“Callum. Say my name, Ellie.”

“Stop being charming.”

He grinned. “Well, there’s one checkmark.”

“Charming isn’t a virtue.”

“Is that what you’re looking for? Virtues?” His gaze dropped to my mouth again as he rolled his bottom lip behind his teeth. And that was far too enticing. “Virtues don’t keep you warm at night.”

“I don’t need a man to keep me warm at night. I’ve been taking care of myself for a damn long time. I even pay my own heating bill.”

“That little bite in your voice doesn’t do anything to turn me off, Ellie. It just makes me want you more.”

“You have some weird standards.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s just an Ellie standard. You’re ruining me for all other women, remember?”
