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I resisted the urge to whistle my way down the stairs. Ending up in Crescent Cove had been a lucky break after all.

Now if I could just figure out how to keep Ellie in my life for more than a few more mind-blowing hours…

One thing at a time.

First, I would make sure the rest of the evening went as well as it had started.

I headed downstairs as soundlessly as possible. A few of the steps creaked, so I made sure not to make too much noise.

I wasn’t trying to hide exactly. I just didn’t want to be noticed.

Or questioned.

Or gossiped about.

The elegantly appointed foyer beckoned. Sconces high on the wall flickered as if lit by candles. Tasteful Christmas bells and garland dripped from the reservations counter, and cheerful holiday carols played from recessed speakers. The air was scented with cinnamon and nutmeg. All seemed perfectly welcoming.

Yet once I reached the bottom stair, I didn’t move.

It wasn’t terribly late, but the desk seemed deserted. That was good news for me. I’d grab some sodas and salty snacks from the vending machines off the foyer, and hopefully, a few condoms. Even a dignified establishment such as this should be prepared with typical vacation items, right?

Razors, pretzels, and rubbers. Seemed like a usual bed and b

reakfast shopping list.

I found the sodas. The salty treats. The sweet ones. And a discreet sign that said, “For personal care items, consult the desk.”

Inwardly, I groaned. Probably outwardly too.

We’d already had sex. Amazing, life-changing, jingle my balls off sex. I wanted more of it. I was pretty sure she did too. There were plenty of other ways to enjoy ourselves without the need for protection, but I couldn’t deny getting back into the sweet clasp of Ellie’s body was at the top of tonight’s agenda.

So, I was just going to go to the desk. They probably had other people manning it during the off-hours anyway. Sage Hamilton couldn’t be there all night long.

“Hi, there,” Sage said cheerfully when I rang the bell for service. She’d popped up from behind the counter.

I managed not to stumble backward but only narrowly. Did she hide behind there to surprise all the guests or was I just special?

“Hi, Sage. Late for you, isn’t it?”

“Oh, it’s almost Christmas, so we gave Alyce the night off. She’s usually the one who handles the desk after hours.”

“That must be hard on you.”

“Not so much, no. We’ll close early tomorrow, and Oliver—my husband—is watching our daughter. It gives me a night off, to tell you the truth.”

“But you’re working…?” I regretted asking as soon as the half-formed question was out.

“It gives me a night off from babymaking practice.”

“Oh. Um. Okay. Good luck with that.”

“We just kicked into high gear for our second kid, and the man is relentless. Give him a target, and he insists on shooting his gun over and over. But it’s fun for the most part. Just requires lots of stamina and hydration. Have you tried those vitamin waters? We have some in the vending machine. I recommend them for long sessions, if you know what I mean.” She waggled her brows, and I was fairly certain my kneecaps blushed.

But it also gave me a nice segue into what I needed. I would even extend this painful conversation if it led to more condoms. Preferably a few.

“That’s why I’m here actually.”
