Page 40 of Unwrapped

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But his fingers froze on his zipper. Despite the sensuality of the scene in front of him, doing something so crass violated the intimacy Caity and Matt shared. This wasn’t just spank material on the opposite side of the glass. They were the two people he loved most in the world, and they were completely caught in the moment. Completely caught in each other. As much as they turned each other on, this wasn’t only about lust. It was the physical expression of love and trust and, in a way, a hopeful exploration of both.

Hopeful. That was what he had to be.

One of his talents was being a big-picture guy who relished charging into the unknown with nothing but faith and his wits. He needed to approach this situation that way too. Even if he only ended up shoveling a giant pile of bullshit that would eventually bury him, at least he would have some incredible memories.

Tristan’s breath puffed out, clouding the snow-encrusted panes. But he still saw Matt reach for a condom and fumble as he fought to get it over his straining erection. Caity’s head fell back as he drove up, seeking her wet heat, their movements seeming to slow as if

orchestrated. She was so beautiful, even in her hesitancy. Maybe more so. Here was a situation where she couldn’t fake confidence. But she didn’t have to fake her total trust in the man inside her. It was written in every cautious rock of her hips as he let her guide the show.

Tristan clenched his hand and closed his eyes at her abbreviated scream, the sound a teasing fragment in the silent night. He dropped his forehead to the glass, unwilling to intrude upon their privacy even an instant longer.

Never had a closed door felt so damning in all his life. Especially since he’d been the one to close it.

“Oh God, that feels so good.”

It shouldn’t have quite as much, probably. Her first time and all. But Caitlyn had fooled around enough and played with enough toys that her virginity was mostly only technical. She’d definitely spent plenty of time getting warmed up that evening.

“Yeah, yeah. Not so bad down here either.”

She choked back a laugh as she braced her hands on Matt’s toned chest. She squeezed his erection inside her, testing the sensation of overwhelming fullness. “You’re such a romantic.”

“Want romance? Or sex?”

She gave him a challenging smile. “Can’t you multitask?”

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled, pinning her beneath him as he slapped his palms on the floor and raised his torso. They were still connected, still joined, his length’s subtle pulse a reminder of how much her life had changed.

No longer a virgin. She’d crossed that line. Finally. She would’ve done a victory dance, but her lower half was currently occupied, and she wasn’t about to change that any damn time soon.

With his first thrust, there had been pain. Even expecting it, the sheer enormity of the moment had crashed down on her, and she’d damn near screamed. But he’d withdrawn and fingered her clit, making sure she was ready when he entered her again.

Gone was the cocksure guy who’d embarked so easily on a plan to bind and gag her and freaking abduct her off a city street. In his place was the boy she loved, the one she trusted wholeheartedly, and he hadn’t let her down. When he slid inside her a second time, the pain floated away fast, swamped by the thrill of his body moving with hers.

If she hadn’t loved him before, the care he took in initiating her to lovemaking would’ve sealed the deal. As would the soft, almost tender smile he wore when he leaned down to kiss her temple. He drew his cock out and then sank back in, as slowly as the breath that shuddered out from between her parted lips.

“That,” he murmured. “That noise. Make it again.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him deeper, and linked her arms around his neck. “You’ll have to be a little more specific.”

She loved the sound of her voice right now. A little breathless, a lot husky. The voice of a woman who’d been thoroughly fucked.

“Actually, maybe you could make that noise for me,” she added, grinding against him. She hadn’t come yet while he was inside her, but with every stroke, she was that much closer. That much wetter.

His pained groan proved that fact undoubtedly.

Bowing up, she nibbled on his ear, pulling the lobe between her teeth. “Nice, but don’t think I can sound like that.”

God, how had she gone so long without knowing this? Without feeling this? Even though he stretched her in ways she knew would hurt tomorrow, the burn was incredible. She’d never experienced such a powerful connection with someone else before. And later she’d get to share the same bond with Tristan—

There it was. The one thought that could dilute her pleasure. Tristan. The man she’d wanted forever, the man who wanted her for forever and wouldn’t settle for anything less.

The man who scared her to death and she loved as much as life.

“Hey,” Matt murmured, slowing his strokes. His gaze stayed on her face while he eased out and slid so deep she sighed. “You still with me?”

“Oh yeah.” Determinedly, she tightened her sex, working his cock until he hissed and dragged her nipple to his mouth. He bit and suck, still powering into her.

“You gonna come for me?” His voice was so sexy, so intense. “Gonna yell my name so loud Tristan can hear it out in the freaking woods?”
