Page 42 of Unwrapped

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“Think we—” She looked up as Tristan approached, already pocketing his phone. “Abe?” she asked.

Without a word, he kicked off his shoes and socks, then shucked his jacket, shirt, and pants. He knelt behind her and gathered her hair in his hands. Pulling. Teasing. Waking up the nerve endings along her scalp and everywhere else.

She glanced at Matt, who just lifted a shoulder. His expression said just go with it.

So she did. Forcing her spine to relax, she lowered her mouth to Matt’s shaft. She nurtured his erection, taking her time to get him wet before she applied suction to the tip. He let out a long breath, but whether it was from what she was doing or what Tristan was doing behind her, she didn’t know.

The crown of Tristan’s cock circled her sensitive opening, sans condom. God, that brush of hot, forbidden skin felt so damn good.

“You’re sore,” Tristan said. It wasn’t a question.

“No,” she whispered, though she was a little. Of course she was. Matt wasn’t a small guy. But she wanted Tristan more than she cared about a bit of pain. “I want you,” she said firmly, glancing over her shoulder so he could see her eyes. So he knew it was true.

Again he didn’t respond. He got to his feet, and her breath caught as she glimpsed the thick weight of his cock, standing up against his stomach. Ouch, that would hurt. But she wanted it. Already she was tight and quivering, desperate for what he would give her. He’d probab

ly seen and felt the wetness smeared all over her thighs. He had to know how much she ached for him, how badly she wanted to share the same closeness with him she’d shared with Matt. Didn’t he?

Then he strolled out of the room.

“Where are you going?” she asked, unable to quell the urgency in her tone.

“It’s okay, Cait,” Matt said as Tristan returned. “See? Just had to go get something.”

What something, she wondered, but she didn’t ask. She didn’t care. Whatever it was, she wanted it.

Before Tristan resumed his position behind her, he opened his hands, letting her see what he'd gotten from the bedroom. A frisson of excitement shot through her system. He held a handful of condoms in one hand and a tube of lube and long, slim vibrator in the other. The condoms fell to the rug before he uncapped the lube, squeezing a healthy dollop on the end of the vibrator.

She swallowed. “What are you doing with that?”

“You’ll see,” he said, directing the lube at something else now. Namely her ass.

Her joy that he’d answered her disappeared in a rush of nerves. Cripes, hadn’t she gotten over those yet? Nothing they’d done tonight had been anything but wonderful. She trusted them.

“Oh,” she gasped when he squirted the cool lube around her puckered hole, using his fingers to spread it around. But then his coated fingertip snuck deeper, past the first ring of muscle, and she jumped as if she’d been struck.

“Easy,” Matt murmured. “You’ll like it.”

“I’m not ready for anal,” she blurted, and then felt like an ass when Matt grinned at her.

“Not doing anal,” Tristan said from behind her, his finger already moving farther. Stretching her pleasantly. And not unfamiliarly either, which he must’ve gathered because he flexed his digit inside her. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

“Just fingers,” she said, realizing her reaction probably seemed odd, considering. But Tristan was being so silent and spooky. He was freaking her out.

Yet she was still horny, big-time. Her libido wasn’t worried about anything.

“You’ve let lovers touch you here.” Tristan slipped the nozzle of the lube just inside her and squeezed, releasing another stream of cool liquid. Holy hell, it felt amazing.

“No.” She absently stroked Matt’s cock, now fully erect. “I make myself come that way sometimes.”

“No wonder we love you,” Matt said, making her laugh.

“I can’t come just from playing…back there. One hand on my clit, a finger in my ass. Works every time.”

Tristan moved back so fast her head reeled. “Get up on the love seat, spread your legs, and show us.”

She couldn’t. No way. Masturbation was personal, private. She bit her lower lip and glanced at him over her shoulder again. “Only if you come inside me when I’m done.”

A corner of his mouth lifted, and he glanced at his massive erection. “Think that can be arranged.”
