Page 9 of Bad Kitty

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And he wasn’t about to let his lover get away so easily.

“Hey,” he said, extending a hand to her arm. She had to know who he was now, right? “What happened to our private party?”

“It ended when you started putting the moves on Big Blue Eyes in there.” But instead of anger in her voice, he heard amusement. She tipped back her head and gave him a smile. “Seriously, you totally missed the boat. Because you have no clue what I would’ve done to you.” His cock jumped against his boxers as she shrugged and turned away, fitting her key into the lock. “Oh, well. Your loss.”

“Tell me. Tell me what you would do.” His voice roughened and the fingers on her arm tensed, digging in.

“First I would’ve started here.” She tapped her mouth, making him think of all sorts of naughty and delicious things. “Then I would’ve moved down to here,” she trailed her fingertips over her breasts lightly, barely making contact, “before landing here,” her palm coasted over her mound, “and then ending up here.” She touched her ass, making his blood roar in his veins and his erection strain for relief.

“But that’s all…” He cleared his throat. “That’s all you. You said what you’d do to me.”

“Mmm, yeah. I would’ve let you do anything you wanted to all of those places.” The special empha

sis she put on all tore a groan from his chest. “Too bad,” she added with a jaunty grin, pulling open her door.

“Wait. Don’t go. Abby isn’t—” He blew out a breath. Apparently his ability to speak coherently had disappeared due to the rampant flow of blood flooding into his lower regions. “Nikki, I’m not—”

“Shh,” she said, shifting back to place her fingers over his mouth. “It doesn’t matter, does it? Happy Halloween.”

“No. No, wait. Nikki, this night wasn’t supposed to end like this. I didn’t know if you’d even be here, but I hoped. I don’t care about Abby. There’s only you.”

Her mouth turned up in a hesitant smile, and she turned again, whipping him with her long dark hair as she reached inside her car for something. She fumbled around for a minute then emerged with a marker. Wordlessly, she shoved up his robe, baring his forearm. She pulled off the cap with her teeth—even that sent a pleasant buzz of lust humming through his system—and scrawled something on his arm.

When she pulled back, he twisted his wrist to try to read her writing in the moonlight. It looked like an address.

“161 Wavering Walk,” she said. “I’ll leave the door unlocked for you until midnight. Then I’m turning the deadbolt.”

She slipped into her car without giving him time to reply.


Nikki stepped inside her house and glanced ruefully at the forgotten bowl of candy sitting on the hall table. She’d gotten a great mix to hand out to trick-or-treaters, but that was before she’d decided to go back to East’s Halloween house of horrors. Not that it had been much of a decision. A night alone with zombie movies, gooey snacks and later on, her vibrator—or an evening with Patrick? Even if that evening lasted, oh, twenty minutes?

Talk about a non-decision.

She sighed and fumbled a wrapped piece of candy out of the dish and toyed with the foil. So now what? She’d given him a couple hours to make up his mind. Because if he walked in here, this wouldn’t be some drive-by fuck. He’d be staying the night.

Creamy nougat teased her tastebuds after she popped the candy in her mouth. She chewed and wandered into her living room, turning on her myriad Halloween decorations on the way. Jack-o-lanterns and motion activated mummies, the ghost train that chugged in endless loops on its track in the spooky village she’d set up on the coffee table. She loved decorating and couldn’t wait until she was a real estate agent and could wander through other people’s homes, imagining families enjoying the house it would be her job to sell. Homes had their own personalities, and she thought matching the right one up with the perfect person to inhabit it was kind of an art.

Next week she’d take her test and then she’d wait to find out her fate. Whatever happened, she’d studied hard and she would keep trying until she passed. And then one day, maybe she’d work with Easton in a different capacity than as his assistant. She’d have her own listings, her own clients…

“Your own dead love life,” she muttered, sitting down in her favorite recliner and grabbing the remote. How apt that the first thing she encountered on the tube was a vampire film fest. She was just about to settle in when she remembered the caramel apples and candy corn in the kitchen. Sweet things were a weakness of hers, and she intended to indulge in at least one weakness tonight.

She retrieved her goodies and settled in her chair. One by one, she carefully cut off slices of tart apple saturated in creamy caramel. She’d planned on making more apples and handing them out to some of her favorite neighbor kids—the ones who knew and trusted her—but she’d lost interest in favor of vamping it up for Patrick. The half-used bottle of caramel sat in her refrigerator, just waiting.

Warmed caramel would feel so good on skin. Soft and silky and hot, perfect for her to eat off his cock as she sucked the hard length between her lips. She’d paint it over his stomach and those muscled thighs she only ever got to ogle in tight jeans. Even so, she remembered very well how they’d felt when he slammed into her from behind. Strong and firm, like the erection she’d brushed against tonight under his robe.

Nikki shuddered. God, would he come over tonight or not? Because if he didn’t, she’d have to take care of things herself.

She ate some of the candy corn and nibbled her apple, finally acknowledging she didn’t have much of an appetite. Too nervous. She turned off the movie and tossed out the last of the fruit.

Just as she was about to tuck away the candy, an idea occurred to her. Smiling, she hurried into the front hall and then traced the steps back to her bedroom. It helped that she had a small ranch-style home with only two possible directions to take from the front door. Either right into the living room and connected dining area or down the short hall to her kitchen, which then branched off into another hall and the home’s two bedrooms and bathrooms.

But she’d made it easy for Patrick to find her if he wanted to, especially since the Halloween decorations that seemed to occupy every corner offered just enough light. He could follow the path she’d left right to her bedroom.

In the meantime, she had to get ready. Just in case.

