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“It means that you love me and kiss Mommy and tuck me in at night.”

“That’s right. I want to be your daddy more than anything. I also want to make your mommy my wife. I want to ask her to marry me.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well, Mommy would change her last name to Monroe.”

“I want my last name to be Monroe.”

“I would love that.” This little girl is my light.

“So are you marrying me too?”

I smile at this kid. Reaching into my pocket, I pull the tiny charm bracelet out. I picked it up along with the ring for Larissa before the game today. I found myself in the jewelry store earlier this week, and both items just felt right. I’ve never been more relieved of my decision than in this moment. This is the right time. It might be soon, but love is love.

“Oh, that’s pretty,” she says, following my hands.

“When I marry your mommy, I’ll give her a ring. This is for you. It’s a charm bracelet. Here is a baseball and a bat, and here is half a heart.”

“Why only half?”

“Because your mommy has the other half. I love both of you very much, and I would be honored to be your daddy and to give you my last name.” Reaching across the table, I put the bracelet on her tiny wrist. “Paisley Gray, do I have your permission to marry your mommy?”

“And me too,” she says, bouncing on her seat.

Her declaration has me smiling and choking up with tears. “Yeah, princess, and you too.” We finish our pizza and pack the leftovers up in a box for Larissa. All the way home, she talks about anything and everything, filling the silent truck with chatter. It’s something I never knew I was missing.

“Hey,” Larissa says, meeting us at the door.

“Mommy, look.” Paisley holds her wrist out. “East is gonna marry us, and we’re gonna change our names.” She looks up at me. “What is it again?”

“Monroe,” I tell her.

“That’s it.” She nods. “I’m gonna be Paisley Gray Monroe, and you’re gonna be Mommy Monroe,” she says as serious as can be.

“That’s right, princess. Why don’t you go take a seat on the couch? Mommy and I will be right there.” She skips off into the other room without objection.

“Sounds like that went well.” She’s looking up at me with a hint of a smile on her face. Almost as if she’s afraid to hope that what her daughter just told her is true.

“It did.” I take her hands in mine and drop to one knee. “I love you, Ris. The moment I met you, I knew you were different. I just didn’t realize how meeting you would change my life. I didn’t know that not only you, but that little girl in there, would wind your way around my heart so much so that it’s no longer mine. Take a leap of faith with me, baby.” Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the little black box that holds the ring I picked out for her. “Larissa, will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?”

Tears stream down her cheeks, but her blinding smile tells me these are the good kind of tears, the kind that let you know the impact of the moment. “Yes,” she says, placing her hand over her mouth.

Standing, I slide the ring on her finger and pull her in for a kiss. Being here with her in my arms, I realize that happiness lies in those you love and the love they give back to you. Me and my girls, we’ve got that in spades.

It took me two months from the day I proposed to convince Larissa to give up her apartment and move in with me. Paisley was on board from day one; of course it helped that I had one of the spare bedrooms turned into a princess room for her. With Princess P on my team, we wore her down.

It took me another four months to get her to set a date and another six after that for her to become my wife. Every day with the two of them is better than the last. There’s laughter that fills what used to be the silent rooms of my house; it’s now a home. A home with my girls.

Today is a special day in so many ways. It’s our three-month wedding anniversary, and you can bet your ass I’m celebrating. Every fucking day is a celebration with the two of them in my life. It’s also the anniversary of the day my adoption went through, when I became a Monroe. Not a day goes by that I’m not grateful for all that my father has brought into our lives. He’s the man I want to be, hope to be for my wife and my daughter. Did I mention that as of today, I’m also officially a father?

Today my princess officially became a Monroe. We signed the papers at the courthouse this morning and then went out to breakfast to celebrate. It was already a special day, the day I gained my father

. The man who has always been there for me. Now, I get to be that man. I get to show him what he taught me. How to be a man, how to love. How to fight for those you love. He taught me how to be a father. Not that anything has changed because of a signed piece of paper. Paisley started calling me Daddy the day I proposed to them, and never looked back. In my heart, she’s mine. I don’t need a piece of paper to prove that.

My daughter.

“So, Miss Monroe,” I say to my daughter. “What would you say if I told you we’re going to take a trip today?” I ask as she forks in another bite of her Mickey Mouse pancakes.
