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Her eyes light up with excitement. “Where?” she asks with her mouth full, causing me to laugh and my wife to cringe.


“Really?” she asks, dropping her fork.


“Yay!” she cheers, gaining us the attention of those sitting around us. She wiggles around in her chair almost tipping over; luckily her grandma is there to catch her.

“Easy there,” my mother-in-law, Helen, says, grabbing the chair and steadying her.

“You coming with us?” Paisley asks her.

“She is,” I say, knowing she’s not convinced going is the best. I’ve been hounding her for two weeks now, and she keeps saying she doesn’t want to intrude. She’s family, and we need her to be there.

“When do we leave?” Paisley asks, setting her glass of milk back on the table. She has a line across her top lip and looks like one of those Got Milk commercials.

“After breakfast, so you need to finish up,” Larissa tells her.

With a nod, she dives back into her breakfast with gusto, making us all laugh.

The flight to Atlanta is a short one. Dad is waiting for us at the airport, and as soon as Paisley sees him, she runs into his arms. “Grandpa,” she says excitedly.

I watch as my father picks her up and settles her on his hip. She’s getting too big for that, but he doesn’t see her as often as he and my mom would like. “Hey, Princess P,” he says, kissing her cheek.

“Did you know that today I’m a Monroe?” she asks him.

His misty eyes cause me to swallow back my own emotions. “I did, sweet girl,” he says, hugging her close.

“Hey, Dad,” I say, clapping him on the shoulder.

“East. Hey, Larissa, Helen, glad you could join us,” he greets them.

After the hellos, we head to his waiting SUV. Paisley fills the car with chatter about our day and the events at the courthouse. She then goes on to tell us that it’s “the bestest day ever” since all her family is together. Little does she know that we really are all going to be together. It just didn’t feel right having this moment without the entire Monroe clan. One phone call to my mom, grandma, and Aunt Carrie, and the wheels were set in motion.

Arriving at the farm, memories from my childhood assault me. This place is like home. I’m thrilled to be sharing it with my wife and daughter. Reaching for Paisley and lifting her out of the SUV, she holds my hand as we walk inside. The house is quiet, but I know where they are. As we turn the corner in the living room, everyone yells “Surprise!” causing P to squeal.

“Look, Daddy.” She points to the banner that says, Paisley Gray Monroe in bright pink letters. That’s it, just her name. Not welcome home or welcome to the family, as she’s already so ingrained in our lives that would be foolish. Instead, it’s her new name, my last name that’s now tacked on to the end of hers that adorns the sign.

I set her on her feet, and she makes her way around the room, getting hugs and kisses from her official aunts, uncles, and cousins. She’s lapping up the attention like I knew she would. I knew coming home is what I needed today, what we all needed.

“Proud of you,” my dad says from beside me.

“Who would have thought all those years ago, I’d become a father for the first time the same day that you did?”

He smiles at me and nods. “Love you, son.”

“Love you too, Dad.”

“What are my boys doing over here?” Mom asks, stepping into me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

“Just taking it all in,” I tell her. She smiles up at me, giving my waist another squeeze. “Well, excuse me, but my granddaughter has a gift to open.”

“Mom,” I scold her.

“She’s our princess, after all.” She grins over her shoulder as she picks up a bag I missed and then takes a seat on the floor next to my daughter.

Larissa appears beside me, and I pull her into my arms. “Thank you,” she whispers, not taking her eyes off our daughter.
