Page 42 of Lovescenes

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‘I can picture the Enquirer headline now,’ he said dreamily. ‘ “Morgan Murders Moving Moment”. Well, that would be better than “Padgett and Morgan Kill Ca­reers on National TV”. Of course, I’d see to it they spelled your name right.’

‘You’re impossible, Mr. Morgan.’

‘I’m desperate, Miss Padgett.’

She sighed, then glanced at her watch.

‘One hour, not a second more. Go dredge up another copy of the script.’

‘I’ve got one in my dressing-r00m.’

‘Well then, go get it and we’ll read lines together.’

‘We can’t read here.’ She looked up at him sharply and he raised his hands in surrender. ‘Not my fault. They’re going to be constructing a new set today.’ As if on cue, the high-pitched whine of an electric drill pierced the air. ‘So, unless you want to compete with that...’

‘Why do I feel as if I’ve been set up?’ Shannon sighed. The sounds of the drill were augmented by the thud of a hammer.

‘ I know what you’re thinking, Padgett. Well, you’re in for a surprise. I am not going to suggest we rehearse at my place.’

‘Gosh,’ she said with studied innocence, “I never even thought of that.’

‘Nor am I going to suggest your place.’

‘Good, because my apartment’s out of the question. And I am absolutely, positively not going to the beach. All of which leaves us nowhere.’

‘Ah, what little faith you have in me, woman. I know the perfect spot. It’s close by, it’s entirely public, but no one will think we’re nuts when we start reading lines from Monday’s black comedy.’

Shannon made a face. ‘Sure,’ she said. ‘And I’m Mickey Mouse.’

Cade grinned and tapped her nose lightly with his finger. ‘Only when you’ve got your slippers on,’ he said. ‘Anyway, I think of you as Minnie. Even dear, dead, daddy Dunbar would see the difference.’


‘The Staten Island Ferry?’ Shannon grumbled as she watched Cade chain up his motorcycle. ‘What kind of place is that for reading lines?’

’I told you, it’s the perfect place. Trust me.’

‘Hah! I remember all too well the last time I did that, Mr. Morgan. I ended up a kidnap victim.’’

‘Now, now, Padgett,’ he said, taking her hand in his and tugging her along after him towards the railing. ‘I simply took you to the beach and then brought you back to the city, safe and sound, and ready to take on the next day’s taping. Which is what’s going to happen after our ferry ride across the Bay.’

‘Damn it, Cade, nobody goes to Staten Island.’

‘Try telling that to the New Yorkers who live there.’

‘And nobody rides the ferry in this kind of weather. It’s cold.’

‘You’re wearing a down jacket, aren’t you?’

Shannon clucked her tongue in exasperation. ‘And it’s foggy.’

‘Just the way it’s going to be on the set when Murray gets that fog machine going. I thought you were a be­liever in method acting.

‘When you put it that way,’ she said sarcastically, ‘I can’t imagine why I didn’t think of this myself.’

‘This is the greatest sea voyage in the world, Padgett,’ Cade said, slipping a protective arm lightly around her shoulders as the American Legion lurched out of its slip and crept cautiously into the fog envel­oping Manhattan Bay. ‘I spent a lot of time on these boats when I was first starting out.’

She shivered in a gust of salt-laden air and Cade glanced down at her. ‘Is it too cool for you? We can ride inside, if you like.’
