Page 10 of Make Her Mine

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It sure as fuck wouldn’t be an innocent little peck.

More than ever, I can’t wait to get my hands on her, lay her down on my big king-sized bed and eat her out until those huge blue eyes of hers can’t see straight. Only then will I fuck her, so long and so hard that she won’t be able to walk the next day.

My cock twitches in my jeans, wanting to get started on that already. But we have work to do first. Dirty work that makes me feel as low as Rich.

I step out of the truck and lead the way into the restaurant. A waitress in a tiny dress that’s so tight I can see every centimeter of her body greets us with a shit-eating grin and leads us to our seats, her hips twitching deliberately, trying to catch my eye. She’s wasting her time.

I have eyes only for Skye.

I’m unable to tear my gaze away from her as we slide into opposite sides of a close, quiet booth. I don’t bother to hide my stare, even when she laughs nervously and dips her head toward the table. She should know she’s the hottest woman in this whole city, let alone this restaurant.

“I don’t do this kind of thing much,” she murmurs like she’s reading my mind.

“What, humor guys like me when we ask you out?” I reach one hand across the table to brush my fingers along her forearm. Her eyelids flutter for a second, before she squares her shoulders and faces off with me.

“So … why did you really ask me out?” Her voice is soft, but there’s an edge there I haven’t heard before.

I like that edge. Want more of it any way I can get it.

“Why wouldn’t I?” I counter, completely honest. Even if I hadn’t been assigned to follow her, I would have pursued her. Anyone who notices her couldn’t help but want her. My biggest regret—other than this deception that’s driving me crazy—is that I didn’t meet her sooner.

She rolls her eyes. “Seriously. No one other than my boss has asked me on a date in…” She nibbles on her lower lip then shakes her head. “You know what, never mind. I just … if you’re only looking for a quick hookup or something, tell me going into it, okay? That’s all I ask. I’m not saying I’m not interested.”

Her eyes roam over my chest before resting on the tattoo on my inner bicep. I’d gotten it ten years ago, right after I turned eighteen. She mouths the quote—Rage, rage against the dying of the light—then looks back up into my eyes. “I just like to know what I’m getting into up-front. That’s all.”

A no-bullshit kind of girl. I’m liking her more and more every moment. “Oh, I want to taste, feel, and smell that sweet little cunt of yours, Skye, there’s no doubt about it,” I tell her, keeping my voice slow and open. Her pouty pink lips drop open in shock, so I continue, “But that’s not all I’m interested in. Not by a long shot.”

She seems like she’s waiting for me to say more. There’s only so many cards I’m willing to show before the big reveal, though. Life’s a poker game, and I don’t exactly hold a winning hand. I play things close to the chest, just in case. But I’m not going to lie—her pale blue eyes go straight through my poker face to stab me in the heart. I’d tell her everything right now if I thought I could. If I thought there was a chance she’d ever forgive me for it.

Luckily, I’m not that stupid.

“Tell me about you,” I say as the waitress steps up to our table. I barely glance the other woman’s way, even though she’s angling that chest in my direction like she wants me to dive headfirst into her tits. “We’ll take the skewers and the rolls to start—that’s what you’re known for, right?” I don’t wait to notice her nod in my peripheral vision. “Skye, do those look good to you?”

She hasn’t even opened her menu, but she nods any


My kind of foodie, too.

The waitress leaves us in peace, and Skye takes a longer than usual time sipping her water. She seems like she’s thinking, though, not stalling, so I let her take her time.

Finally, she shrugs one shoulder, her head tilted to the side as she studies me in return—almost as closely as I’ve been watching her. “I’m pretty average. I work at Monroe’s. I grew up in a beach town a little bit north of here, but it’s still the suburbs. My brother and I worked at the boardwalk here on our summer vacations all through high school.”

My eyebrows inch up just the slightest fraction. “You have brothers?”

“Yeah, but just the one. Let me tell you, though, he’s enough.” She laughs and takes another slug of water.

I can imagine.

“So you’re older?” I ask, with a knowing smile that I don’t have to fake.

“Younger, actually. But we’re so close in age we’re practically twins. Ian’s only ten months older.” She rolls her eyes. “I always feel like I’m the older sister in our relationship, though.”

I nod. “Yeah, me too. But my brother’s a year younger.” When I scowl at the mention of my kid brother, she sucks in her bottom lip. It’s an insanely sexy gesture and my desire to own everything this beautiful girl has got to offer reaches an all-time high. “It’s a pain in the ass taking on the role of older sibling. They don’t know how much work we do watching out for them.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” She lets out another laugh, this one fuller and rounder. Throaty. I love her voice, but I love her laugh even more. She has the laugh of a woman who knows how to have fun, but who never lets herself do that.

It makes me want to remind her how.
