Page 48 of Dirty Heat

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She shakes her head. “No. Never mind.”

I smirk. “No, say it.”

She tilts her head, narrowing her eyes. “Oooh, wait one goddamn minute. Say it ain’t so, slut? You’re whisking off to St. Lucia to be with a sidepiece, aren’t you?”

I laugh. “No, girl, no. There is no sidepiece. Trust.”

And that’s the God honest truth. In the six years I’ve been with Roosevelt, I’ve never fucked anyone other than him more than once. It’s always a one-night stand. No names given. No numbers exchanged. And I’ve only cheated on him twice, well, okay…three times. But the last time didn’t really count. All he did was eat my pussy and licked my ass until my eyes crossed.

There was no penetration, and I didn’t suck him, although I wanted to lick him from his shaft to the tip. Yes, God! I wanted my mouth stuffed with his dick, badly. But, he wasn’t interested in being sucked, just devouring my cunt and my ass with his luscious lips and slick tongue.


nbsp; “Lies,” Mecca hisses.

I hold my hand up. “I swear to you, girl; hand to God. There’s no sidepiece, no jump-off, nothing.”

She tilts her head. “Uh-huh. Speaking of sidepieces, have you ever…?”

I give her an incredulous look. “What, cheated on Roosevelt?”

“Yeah. And don’t lie.”

As close as Mecca and I are, there are still some things that are not up for discussion, my occasional indiscretions being one of them. As much as I trust my sister, sharing with her how angry my pussy gets, at how disgruntled it is, with Roosevelt’s lack of nut control, is a no-no. Those kind of personal details are not something you share with anyone, especially about your man. A one-night stand, yes. You gossip about that, if you must. But anything pertaining to sex with a significant other is off limits.

Sister or not, discussing what my man does or doesn’t do in the sheets is not up for review, or critique. I learned a long time ago, what’s not good for one bitch is always good for two others.

And fast-nut or not, Roosevelt’s big-dicked ass might come quicker than I’d like, but he’s my goddamn quick nut. And I’ll be damned if I open the door to let another bitch waltz in to get a taste, or a ride up on that.

I look Mecca dead in her face and say, “Never. Have you?”

She frowns. “What, cheated on Ricky? Girl, no, I don’t play them kinda bed games. As a matter of fact, change that to hell no. As much as Ricky does for me, I wish the hell I would. There’s not a dick big enough to ever get me to spread open my legs to fuck over what I have at home.” She shakes her head. “Oh, no, boo-boo. That man’s the love of my life. There’s not another out here who can ever hold a candle to him.”

I smile knowingly.

Aside from being damn good to her, Ricky’s the only man she’s ever been with. They were high school sweethearts, then college lovers, and now…married with three kids.

The perfect love story.

She places her wineglass to her lips, and takes a quick sip. “I can’t believe you’d ask me some mess like that. Girl, please.”

I shrug. “Well, you asked me, so I thought I’d return the favor.”

She sucks her teeth. “Bitch, but I’m not the one trolling off to an island…alone; remember?”

I wave a dismissive hand. “Girl, stop. All it is is a quick getaway for a little rest and relaxation. That’s it.”

She eyes me. Twists her lips. “Mm-hmm. Okay, Stella. And out of all the places to go for a little R and R, you just happen to choose a Caribbean island instead of a quaint little Bed and Breakfast somewhere up in the mountains here, in Jersey?”

I grin. “What can I say, I wanted some Caribbean heat.”

“Yeah, okay. Heat my ass. You want trouble, bitch.”

I laugh. “Lies! Girl, you’re talking like I’m going down there to fornicate or something.”

She twists her lips. “Mm-hmm. Whatever. Toss around big words if you want. Let’s see what happens when you find your ass tossed up on one of those big island dicks. Then what?”

“Then nothing,” I say, flicking imaginary lint from my blouse. “I’m not going down there to be tossed up on any island dick, so get your mind out of the gutter.”

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