Page 57 of Dirty Heat

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Now it’s my turn to laugh.

The music abruptly stops. A speaker blows out. And the crowd groans in agitation. The deejay in his thick West Indian accent apologizes. Tells everyone to bear with him. People are milling around the deck, talking and laughing and eyeing their prey for the night, while waiting for the music to start again.

Mister Milk Chocolate.

A light breeze rolls off the ocean and blows in, cooling me.

Two drinks later, and it no longer matters that the music is still not back on. I’ve learned that Mister Milk Chocolate’s real name is Evan. He’s thirty-eight. A Scorpio. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, but—for the last ten years—has lived in New Haven, Connecticut.

He and some of his frat brothers are here visiting St. Lucia for another one of his frat brother’s wedding. He ties the knot tomorrow afternoon. Then he flies back to the States on Sunday. The same day as I am.

I glance at his left hand, ring finger. There is no sign of a ring, or tan line. Not that it matters, or means anything.

Hell, I’m involved. But tonight, I’m out shaking my ass, moving like I’m happily single.

“So what fraternity do you belong to, if you don’t mind me asking?”

He flashes a lazy grin. Tells me it’s all about that Crimson and Cream.

I laugh. “I should have known. You’re too damn fine to be anything else.”

He laughs with me. “Many are called…”

“I know, I know,” I say, cutting him off. “Few are chosen.”

“You got it, love. What you know about that?”

“Oh, I know all about them canes,” I say flirtatiously.

“Yeah, but I bet you don’t know about the one I’m holding,” he says back.

Ping. Incoming text.

I purse my lips. “Uh-huh. Hold that thought.” I fish through my clutch for my phone, pulling it out.

When I see Miss you baby. Hope ur having a good time from Roosevelt, I almost feel guilty for sitting here with this chocolate Adonis, toying with fantasies of having—what I imagine to be big and thick, judging by the bulge in his white linen shorts—his jumbo-size dick in my wet mouth.

I gaze up at my bar companion. “Excuse me for one sec,” I say just as the music starts to play again. I don’t give a damn where I’m at, what I’m doing, or who I am doing it with, the one thing I make sure I always do is answer my man’s texts and his calls. I don’t care if I have a mouthful of dick. I stop mid-suck and respond to my man.

And that’s how you keep his mind from wandering, conjuring up crazy shit, like you’re probably out cheating on him, even if you are.

The one thing I will never do is, fuck up my home life. Oh, no, boo-boo.

I hold my Samsung up and angle it just so, taking a selfie, then quickly text, Miss you too, boo. Yes. I’m having a fab time! Wish u were here. Jessica and the girls say hi. Lies. But I know it’s the right thing to say. That I wish he were here.

I chuckle to myself, making a mental note to give my soror Jessica a heads-up when I get back to the States, just in case Roosevelt decides to let curiosity get the best of him and asks her how our little retreat was.

The last thing I need is for her looking like a deer caught in headlights, and me scrambling not to get caught in a lie. I haven’t told many. But I’ve dished out my share. Fortunately, I’ve kept my tracks covered and my lies straight, thus far.

No time for getting sloppy now.

I attach the picture of myself, head tilted, smiling.

Then hit send.

Mr. Milk Chocolate grins.

“So, who’s that? Your lover?”
