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She laughed. “I can cook. I didn’t say I was good at it. I’m more of a baker.”

“I like cookies.”

“Who doesn’t like cookies?”

“Only crazy people.” I shifted gears as the traffic finally started rolling again. “You know who else is crazy? Someone who prefers to play on a stage rig rather than their own probably sweet setup at home.”

“Yeah, except I’m renovating and don’t have access to mine right now. But I actually just put a down payment on a piano. My first big purchase since I joined the band.”

“How big?”

She nibbled her lower lip. “Pretty significant.”

“And you gave me shit about my place.”

“A piano is a lot different than a million dollar penthouse.”

Bit more than a million, but I wasn’t going to correct her. “Is that why you’re renovating?”

She nodded. “Yeah. It’s my dream piano. A white Steinway.” She sighed. “First time I saw one was while shopping with my grandma. I was like seven, maybe? All I remember is this huge, gleaming, black grand piano. The saleswoman let me sit on the bench. It sounded incredible even with my fumbling.” She smiled. “My grandma started me on lessons the next week.”

“And now you’re getting one.”

“I prefer white, but yeah. I’m not even sure they could get it in my place right now.” She swallowed audibly. “Well, definitely not now.”

I reached over and covered her hand. “We’ll get it figured out.”

“It’s not your problem, Coop. I’m a big girl.”

I drew back. “Doesn’t mean you can’t lean on your friends. Just say ‘thanks, Coop.’”

She shook her head, smiling faintly. “Thanks, Coop.”

“Better. Want to grab some food?”

“I don’t think I could eat.”

“Okay.” I turned onto Columbus and headed for my building’s garage.

A few minutes later, I parked and nudged her toward the elevator. The trip to my floor was quiet. She was fiddling with her phone so I assumed she was finally replying to our bandmates.

I tossed my keys into the dish by the door in my foyer. “Do you want to freshen up?”

Tiredly, she rubbed her eyes. “Yeah, maybe. I feel gross.”

I nodded toward the stairs. “Everything is up there. I have a small one on this floor, but it’s not much more than a john.”

She gave me another one of those faint Teagan smiles that were nothing like her usual wide grins. “Pretty sure nothing in this place is small. Is the john gold-plated?”

“No, but the floor is.”

When she gaped, I poked her shoulder. “Go get cleaned up.”

“Are you sure I’m not putting you out?”


